Monday, December 21, 2009
One thing that Pennington and Mommy have been doing about once a week is take a bath together. This gives Pennington the ability to kick his legs around in the water and play with his rubber duckies. Since Pennington is really long for a four month old his infant bathtub is getting a little small for him which means he can't really kick his legs. (Note: You can see how cramped he legs are in the picture below.) Pennington really likes being able to splash water around in the tub.
Hopefully all this early practice will mean that he will be a superstar swimmer someday.
Four Month Check-up
Today Pennington had his four month check-up. At the appointment we found out that Pennington is 14 pounds 10 ounces and 26 inches long. He is in the 36th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height. Pennington is slightly ahead of other four month olds in the areas of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language and social. Basically all that means is he can hold his head up, making cooing noises, smiles, brings his hands together, hold toys, ect. Overall the doctor thought he is doing really well. In addition to evaluating his development so far, he also received his four month immunizations. He cried a little bit more than he did for his two month immunizations but overall he did fairly well.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Hanakkah Gifts
Last night was the eighth night of Hanukkah. Our family celebrated the last night with G.G., Papa, Poppy, Nonie, Uncle Mike, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Henry, Uncle Elliott, and cousins Brian and Issac. Pennington was mesmerized by the candles. He was also very interested in all of his new books and toy
s. Below are some pictures from the evening.
Nonie, Brian and Issac lighting the candles.

Pennington attempting to open a gift.

Pennington excited to see what was underneath all the wrapping paper. A book about a dog.

Pennington looking a what was inside the box.

Pennington modeling his new sweater vest.
Nonie, Brian and Issac lighting the candles.
Pennington attempting to open a gift.
Pennington excited to see what was underneath all the wrapping paper. A book about a dog.
Pennington looking a what was inside the box.
Pennington modeling his new sweater vest.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tonight is the third night of Hanukkah. This was the first night that our family was at home to be able to celebrate Hanukkah at home. We lit the candles and said the blessings. Below are pictures of Mommy lighting the candles and Pennington taking it all in. 

Of course Mommy and Daddy got Pennington some Hanukkah presents. As we have mentioned before Pennington loves, loves, loves to be read to. So Mommy and Daddy decided to stock up on some new books. Below is a picture of Pennington with a bunch of his new books. Daddy's favorite is "I love you stinky face." Mommy's favorite is "Go Dog Go." Not sure what Pennington's favorite is yet. 
Honestly I have no idea if Pennington is really teething yet. Every time I think he is I expect to see a tooth come in within the next few days but it never happens. He is definitely drooling and sucking on his hands a lot. Before Pennington was born I purchased some organic teething toys that are in the shape of a carrot and green beans. I figure that if the teething toys don't help with teething at least they will help him to get excited about eating vegetables. Right now I am just super excited that he can hold the teething toy and has figure out how to get it in his mouth all by himself. Below are pictures of Pennington chewing on his carrot and green beans.
Tot Shabbat
Once a month our synagogue has a shabbat service specifically for Tots (aka toddlers) called "Tot Shabbat". Pennington has been going for the last few months. The first month he slept through the entire service. The second month he cried about half of the time and acted like he didn't really want to be there. On Friday night Johnny and I took Pennington to his third Tot Shabbat (Hanukkah service) and he did amazing. Pennington didn't cry at all. He was awake the entire time and quietly observed everything that was going on around him. The service consisted of singing Hanukkah songs such as "I have a little Dreidel" and Rabbi Laura tell the story of Hanukkah using stuffed animals such as Elmo to be Judah Maccabee. Below is a picture of Daddy and Pennington and Rabbi Laura and Pennington. 
Thursday, December 10, 2009
4 Months Old
Tomorrow is Pennington's 4 month birthday. Wow does time fly by. Currently Pennington loves the following: sucking on his hands, making motor boat noises, being read to, doing tummy time, and going to new places like coffee shops, grocery store, ect.
Lucky for Mom and Dad Pennington has managed to make it four months without ever getting sick or having a diaper rash. Crazy I know. We are crossing our fingers that he will continue to be as healthy as can be.
Mom was curious tonight to find out what percentile Pennington is in. He is roughly 26 inches tall and approximately 15 pounds. The says that he is in the 25 to 50 percentile for weight and 75 to 90 percentile for height. Basically a tall skinny kid.
Below is a picture Daddy took on their boys day together this week. Please note that it looks like he is standing but really he is just leaning up against the pillows.
Lucky for Mom and Dad Pennington has managed to make it four months without ever getting sick or having a diaper rash. Crazy I know. We are crossing our fingers that he will continue to be as healthy as can be.
Mom was curious tonight to find out what percentile Pennington is in. He is roughly 26 inches tall and approximately 15 pounds. The says that he is in the 25 to 50 percentile for weight and 75 to 90 percentile for height. Basically a tall skinny kid.
Below is a picture Daddy took on their boys day together this week. Please note that it looks like he is standing but really he is just leaning up against the pillows.
Birthday Card
At one of Jesikah's baby showers the activity was to create a birthday card for Pennington for each one of his birthday's until he turned 21 years old. Each card included advise for the year. Below is a picture of the card for his zero Birthday. Inside it read, "Welcome to the world!! You are so luck because EVERYONE is ready to give you love, hugs and snuggles. I want to say to as easy and good as your mama was, but I'm sure you will be who you are. If anyone should set you down, just give a yell and some very warm arms will scoop you up. When you get hungry just smack your lips and mama will take care of you! When you smell something stinky, call da da. When you get sleeping just close your eyes and know that your parents have been waiting and wanting you for a long time and you are ever so loved. With love and flowers! Julie."
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thankful for . . .
Nonie asked everyone to bring something they appreciate/are thankful for to share with everyone at Thanksgiving. Daddy said he is thankful for the opportunity to read to Pennington. Johnny wasn't really read to as a young child so getting to opportunity to read to his child means a lot. 
Daddy reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to Pennington.

Pennington laying around naked. Look how happy he is.
Daddy reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to Pennington.
Mommy said she was thankful for Nonie since Nonie has helped out sooo much over the last year taking care of both Mommy and Pennington.
Pennington isn't able to talk yet but if we had to guess what he is thankful for it might be that Mommy and Daddy let him lay around naked sometimes. With his diaper on of course.Pennington laying around naked. Look how happy he is.
Thanksgiving Weekend
Italian Cashmere
A few weeks ago Nonie went to Italy to visit with Pennington's Great Aunt Laurie. Nonie brought back a few outfits for Pennington from his Great Aunt Laurie and Second Cousin Cait. Thank you Laurie and Cait. Pennington looks very handsome in the clothes. Pennington also got a little hat that was to little to fit on his head but it does fit on his Monkey's head. Below are pictures of Pennington in his Italian Cashmere and a picture of his Monkey with a Venetian hat.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Amazing Evening
Tonight will be one of those nights I am going to remember for a long time. Johnny had to work late so it was just going to be Pennington and me. I picked Pennington up from Nonie's house around 5:30pm. Nonie told me that Pennington had a wonderful day going to Synagogue School and helping make food for Thanksgiving.
Pennington took a short nap on the car ride home. He woke up around 6:15pm and we spent time talking about everything he did today. I love talking to Pennington when he talks back to me even though he doesn't really talk in real words yet.
Around 7pm it was time for his final bottle before bedtime. After he was done eating we spent time hanging out in his room. Pennington hasn't really spent time in his room besides for diaper changes and sleeping. We talked about all the things in his room and cleaned out his dresser to make room for the 3 to 6 month clothes. I can't believe how sad I am that he doesn't fit in his 0 to 3 month clothes anymore. I remember being so excited when he outgrew his newborn clothes because I could tell he was growing up and he was going to start to smile and interact with me. Now I really miss him being a newborn.
Then it was bath time. Pennington loves bath time. I can tell he knows it is coming when I start to undress him. After bath time Pennington gets a "baby massage". Pennington has had really dry skin over the last month. So I like to spend time every evening greasing him up. I have tried everything and I finally think I found the best dry skin product. Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment. Trust me I have tried EVERYTHING and this stuff works the best.
After the massage I put Pennington's football pajamas on him. Then it was time to read stories. Pennington was able to pay attention while I read him four stories. He loves, loves, loves story time. He talks while I read to him as if he is also reading the story. We read "At the Beach with Dad", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and "Goodnight Moon".
After story time I turned the lights out and rocked him to bed. All I could think about while I was rocking him to sleep was how much I love him.
Pennington took a short nap on the car ride home. He woke up around 6:15pm and we spent time talking about everything he did today. I love talking to Pennington when he talks back to me even though he doesn't really talk in real words yet.
Around 7pm it was time for his final bottle before bedtime. After he was done eating we spent time hanging out in his room. Pennington hasn't really spent time in his room besides for diaper changes and sleeping. We talked about all the things in his room and cleaned out his dresser to make room for the 3 to 6 month clothes. I can't believe how sad I am that he doesn't fit in his 0 to 3 month clothes anymore. I remember being so excited when he outgrew his newborn clothes because I could tell he was growing up and he was going to start to smile and interact with me. Now I really miss him being a newborn.
Then it was bath time. Pennington loves bath time. I can tell he knows it is coming when I start to undress him. After bath time Pennington gets a "baby massage". Pennington has had really dry skin over the last month. So I like to spend time every evening greasing him up. I have tried everything and I finally think I found the best dry skin product. Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment. Trust me I have tried EVERYTHING and this stuff works the best.
After the massage I put Pennington's football pajamas on him. Then it was time to read stories. Pennington was able to pay attention while I read him four stories. He loves, loves, loves story time. He talks while I read to him as if he is also reading the story. We read "At the Beach with Dad", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and "Goodnight Moon".
After story time I turned the lights out and rocked him to bed. All I could think about while I was rocking him to sleep was how much I love him.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Pennington's First Piece of Art
Monday, November 16, 2009
Big Smile
I know I've mentioned this before but I think that Pennington is super advanced when it comes to physically movements but a bit behind when it comes to social interaction. I've been told by many people that it is just a boy thing. I've been trying to get a good picture of Pennington smiling for weeks now and I finally think I got one. Oh what a happy little boy.
Daddy thinks we can get good pictures of Pennington smiling when he places Pennington in his lap and does sit ups at the same time. Pennington really likes it when you blow on his face while doing sit ups.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Three Month Old Video of Pennington
Pennington turns three months old on Wednesday. Boy he is growing up so fast. I thought it would be helpful to videotape him so I could remember how he interacted with me when he was about to turn three months old. Below is a video of Pennington.
Favorite Things for a 0 to 3 Month Old
I thought it would be helpful to write down my favorite things for a 0 to 3 month old so when I have my next child I will be able to remember what a newborn needs/wants. This list will also be helpful to those of you that will have children someday or are about to become a grandparent.
1. Long Sleeve Oneies - For some reason most people get you short sleeve onesies. I prefer the long sleeve ones so that I know the baby is warm enough.
2. Pajamas - A must have. Especially for using as part of the nighttime routine.
3. Robeez - Pennington doesn't really wear them much yet but it is soooo true that they are the only shoes that stay on. I wouldn't bother buying anything else.
4. Organic Receiving Blankets or just any Organic Blankets - The receiving blankets can be used for the first two or three weeks as an actual blanket. After that you can use them as a burp cloth. Organic is the way to go. They are sooooo much softer and you don't have to worry about the baby chewing on it.
5. Books which big pictures. - Pennington loves to be read to. I think the bigger the pictures are the easier it is for him to see at this age.
6. Toys (Rings) - Pennington loves to hold wood or plastic rings in his hands. He is not really in to mobiles or stuffed animals yet. Sort of likes the rattle.
7. Playtex Ventaire Bottles (BPA Free of course) - These are a must have if you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding. The lactation people recommend them because they are the closest to a human nipple. The Avent bottles are also pretty good. I don't like Born Free. Also, if you are bottle feeding I would say to get at least 8 bottles if not more.
8. Bathtub with a foam pad - Pennington has a foam pad that is in the shape of a frog. I love it because it is comfortable for him to lay on, it can get wet, and you don't have be worry about the baby moving around.
9. Aveeno Baby Lotion - You have to buy the high quality stuff especially when the child has dry skin. J&J doesn't cut it. I also like Methods but Aveeno Baby is better. Baby oil, or other oils such as olive oil can also be helpful to keep your child's skin from getting dry.
10. Chlorine Free Diapers and Baby Wipes (Seventh Generation or Earth's Best) - You can feel the difference when you touch it. They are more gentle on the skin especially the wipes. FYI- these diapers are just as cheap if not cheaper than Huggies and Pampers when you buy a 40 to 50 pack. So ask yourself why you would buy Huggies or Pampers if the Chlorine Free ones are cheaper and better for your child. Huggies and Pampers are cheaper when you buy a pack that has more than 200. Huggies does make a chlorine free diaper but you only get 30 in the pack for the same price as a 40 pack from Seventh Generation or Earth's Best. Basically don't ever assume the chlorine free diapers are more expensive because most of the time that isn't the case.
11. Music - Doesn't really matter if it is baby music, classical, rock, or alternative. Any music works. I would just listen to the music I like. Pennington loves it when I sing the songs to him.
12. Chicco Infant Car Seat - There is a reason that mom's recommend this car seat. It is super easy to use. Only draw back is that the shade on the car seat doesn't move all the way around for when you put the car seat in the stroller. Having a shade that moves all the way around helps for when you are on a walk and the sun is shining.
13. Slings and Front Carriers - Honestly I don't really love either of the ones I have. I don't think Pennington really likes the sling all that much and the front carrier I have (Chicco brand) doesn't have clips all the way down the side of it so it is hard to get Pennington out of it without waking him up if he is sleeping. I don't think any of the other front carrier brands have clips all the way down the side. You would think that I'm not the first mom to complain about this but I haven't found a front carrier with clips all the way down the sides.
14. Pack and Play (aka Playpin) - I have the Chicco one and I love it. We used the Pack and Play (bassinet portion) for the first month or so in our bedroom so that Pennington could sleep in the same room with us. It is also helpful to lay Pennington in it when I am getting ready in the morning. It has a mobile and it plays music. We are planning on taking it up to the cabin for Thanksgiving so he can have a place to sleep.
15. Formula - While I am still really sad that breastfeeding didn't work out I have figured out how to get formula for about 50% off. Enfamil sends you a ton of $5 checks in the mail to use on your purchases and Fred Meyer gives you $5 off coupons for Enfamil. Today I was at Fred Meyer and they had a sale on Enfamil for $23. It is normally $25. So with the $5 check from Enfamil and the $5 off coupon I got a can of formula for $13.
1. Long Sleeve Oneies - For some reason most people get you short sleeve onesies. I prefer the long sleeve ones so that I know the baby is warm enough.
2. Pajamas - A must have. Especially for using as part of the nighttime routine.
3. Robeez - Pennington doesn't really wear them much yet but it is soooo true that they are the only shoes that stay on. I wouldn't bother buying anything else.
4. Organic Receiving Blankets or just any Organic Blankets - The receiving blankets can be used for the first two or three weeks as an actual blanket. After that you can use them as a burp cloth. Organic is the way to go. They are sooooo much softer and you don't have to worry about the baby chewing on it.
5. Books which big pictures. - Pennington loves to be read to. I think the bigger the pictures are the easier it is for him to see at this age.
6. Toys (Rings) - Pennington loves to hold wood or plastic rings in his hands. He is not really in to mobiles or stuffed animals yet. Sort of likes the rattle.
7. Playtex Ventaire Bottles (BPA Free of course) - These are a must have if you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding. The lactation people recommend them because they are the closest to a human nipple. The Avent bottles are also pretty good. I don't like Born Free. Also, if you are bottle feeding I would say to get at least 8 bottles if not more.
8. Bathtub with a foam pad - Pennington has a foam pad that is in the shape of a frog. I love it because it is comfortable for him to lay on, it can get wet, and you don't have be worry about the baby moving around.
9. Aveeno Baby Lotion - You have to buy the high quality stuff especially when the child has dry skin. J&J doesn't cut it. I also like Methods but Aveeno Baby is better. Baby oil, or other oils such as olive oil can also be helpful to keep your child's skin from getting dry.
10. Chlorine Free Diapers and Baby Wipes (Seventh Generation or Earth's Best) - You can feel the difference when you touch it. They are more gentle on the skin especially the wipes. FYI- these diapers are just as cheap if not cheaper than Huggies and Pampers when you buy a 40 to 50 pack. So ask yourself why you would buy Huggies or Pampers if the Chlorine Free ones are cheaper and better for your child. Huggies and Pampers are cheaper when you buy a pack that has more than 200. Huggies does make a chlorine free diaper but you only get 30 in the pack for the same price as a 40 pack from Seventh Generation or Earth's Best. Basically don't ever assume the chlorine free diapers are more expensive because most of the time that isn't the case.
11. Music - Doesn't really matter if it is baby music, classical, rock, or alternative. Any music works. I would just listen to the music I like. Pennington loves it when I sing the songs to him.
12. Chicco Infant Car Seat - There is a reason that mom's recommend this car seat. It is super easy to use. Only draw back is that the shade on the car seat doesn't move all the way around for when you put the car seat in the stroller. Having a shade that moves all the way around helps for when you are on a walk and the sun is shining.
13. Slings and Front Carriers - Honestly I don't really love either of the ones I have. I don't think Pennington really likes the sling all that much and the front carrier I have (Chicco brand) doesn't have clips all the way down the side of it so it is hard to get Pennington out of it without waking him up if he is sleeping. I don't think any of the other front carrier brands have clips all the way down the side. You would think that I'm not the first mom to complain about this but I haven't found a front carrier with clips all the way down the sides.
14. Pack and Play (aka Playpin) - I have the Chicco one and I love it. We used the Pack and Play (bassinet portion) for the first month or so in our bedroom so that Pennington could sleep in the same room with us. It is also helpful to lay Pennington in it when I am getting ready in the morning. It has a mobile and it plays music. We are planning on taking it up to the cabin for Thanksgiving so he can have a place to sleep.
15. Formula - While I am still really sad that breastfeeding didn't work out I have figured out how to get formula for about 50% off. Enfamil sends you a ton of $5 checks in the mail to use on your purchases and Fred Meyer gives you $5 off coupons for Enfamil. Today I was at Fred Meyer and they had a sale on Enfamil for $23. It is normally $25. So with the $5 check from Enfamil and the $5 off coupon I got a can of formula for $13.
Lots of Babysitters
This last week, Nonie was drinking wine in Italy so Pennington was watched each day by family and friends while Johnny was at school and I was at work. Johnny and I would like to thank Michal Voloshen, Julie and Kaitlyn Haller, and GG (Great-Grandma to Pennington, Grams to Jesikah) and Papa for taking care of our little one over the last week. Everyone mentioned to Johnny and I how much they loved watching Pennington.
GG said, "He is such an easy baby." (Note: He must be a really good baby since she ha
s four children and more than 10 grandchildren.)

Michal said, "I didn't get enough time with him. Can I get a rain check for the day I couldn't watch him?"
Julie said, "He slept more than you had said he would." (Note: I thought he would be wake all day since he slept through the night. I guess he needed more sleep.)
Papa said, "Can I feed him chocolate yet?"
Sleeping through the Night
The most amazing thing happen this week. Pennington slept through the night for the first time. I woke up at 5:30am on Wednesday and realized that he hadn't woken up for a night time feeding. I went to check on him and found him sound asleep. He continued to sleep until I woke him up around 6:30am. Basically he slept from 8:30pm until 6:30am (10 hours straight).
I wasn't really sure why he was able to sleep for so long since he hadn't slept that long before. Come to find out the monitor had been turned off in our room so we probably didn't hear him cry when he did wake up. While Johnny and I feel really bad about the fact that we most likely ignored our little ones cries, he is sleeping through the night now and has slept through the night three nights in a row.
Last night he woke up once. I'm guessing it was because we skipped the "Bedtime Routine" since we were over at Nonie and Poppy's house until around 7:30pm. I can't believe how important a Bedtime Routine is. Our current routine consists of eating around 7:00pm, playing with Mommy and Daddy (tummy time, airplane, listening to music, ect), bath time, story time, and then lights out. If he sleeps through the night tonight I will know for sure that the Bedtime Routine helps him to sleep through the night.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday Morning Walk with Poppy
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Weekend at the Cabin
Happy Halloween!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pennington Loves Football
During the fall at the Luangaphay house we watch A LOT of football. Below is a picture of Pennington and Daddy watching football. Mommy doesn't really want Pennington to watch TV but we have decided watching Football on TV will just have to be an exception. Most of the time we try to make sure Pennington isn't facing the TV so he doesn't get so much extra stimulation. However we have found that somehow he starts to move his head and body around to face the TV.
Good Morning!!
Mommy thought it would be fun to take videos of Pennington. This video was taken this morning when Pennington woke up. Pennington has been able to sleep for 6 to 7 hours straight the last three nights in a row. This means Pennington is now only waking up once during the middle of the night. Wahoo!!! Mommy and Daddy are keeping their fingers crossed that he will be sleeping through the night soon.
If you listen closely to the video you can hear Pennington talking.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday is a Boys Day
On Wednesday's Daddy stays home with Pennington. This Wednesday Daddy and Pennington came downtown to meet Mommy for lunch. Mommy really enjoyed getting to see her little one since she is now back at work. Of course when the boys get together they always do silly things like try to catch monkeys. Below are some photos of Pennington and his monkey (King Louie).

Bedtime Routine
About two weeks ago we started a Bedtime Routine for Pennington. It begins around 7pm with dinner, followed by playtime for about 30 to 45 minutes, followed by a bath, and then lights out. He seems to really enjoy the Bedtime Routine. Usually we are able to get him down for the night around 9pm. Below is a picture of Pennington getting out of the bath. He likes to carry his toys into the bath with him.
Pumpkin Patch
Today our family went to the Pumpkin Patch with the Crist Family to get pumpkins. Pennington was pretty sleepy at the pumpkin patch so we aren't really sure how much he enjoyed it.
Our family is getting really excited for Halloween. Mommy has decorated the house and Pennington already has his Halloween outfit. Look for photos of Pennington in his Halloween outfit after Halloween. Below are pictures from the Pumpkin Patch.
The Luangaphay Family.

The moms with their little ones.
Our family is getting really excited for Halloween. Mommy has decorated the house and Pennington already has his Halloween outfit. Look for photos of Pennington in his Halloween outfit after Halloween. Below are pictures from the Pumpkin Patch.
The Luangaphay Family.
The moms with their little ones.
(From left to right: Pennington, Jesikah, Melissa and Maggie)
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