Wednesday, September 30, 2009
No longer a Newborn
Well it is official. Pennington no longer fits into any of his newborn clothes or diapers. He is now wearing size one diapers and 0 to 3 month clothes. Mommy had a doctors appointment yesterday and convinced the nurse to let Mommy get on the scale with Pennington to see how much he weights. At eight weeks old Pennington weights somewhere between 11 and 11 1/2 pounds. Below are a few pictures of Pennington in his newborn clothes. It is amazing how fast he is growing up.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Seven Weeks Old
Pennington will be seven weeks old tomorrow. Below are some photos of things Pennington has been up to over the last week.
Watching a lot of football. It has been three weeks since Pennington wore his Boise State outfit for the Oregon game. Before he was floating in it. Now it actually looks like it fits.
Watching Daddy play soccer. Pennington loves loves being outside. Hopefully it won't get to cold over the next few weeks so we can continue to come watch the game.
Pennington waking up in the morning. Everyone wants to know if he is sleeping through the night. The short answer is no. He usually goes to bed around 9 or 10 and then wakes up at 2 and then around 6 or 7. When he wakes up in the middle of the night he just wants his diaper changed and a snack before he heads back to sleep. He definitely knows that it isn't play time when it is dark out. Pennington is very happy when he wakes up in the morning. Mommy and Daddy were really excited this morning because he almost smiled.
Pennington had his second play date with Avery. Avery definitely has developed better social skills than Pennington. Avery was at least aware of the fact that Pennington was next to her. Pennington on the other hand was in his own little world looking out the window. The Mommies can't believe how much they have grown up since the last time they were together.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Six Weeks Old
Pennington turned six weeks old today. He had a doctors appointment and we found out that he is now 10 pounds 6 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. This means he has gained about 2 1/2 pounds and grew 2 inches since he was born. We didn't plan on getting his 2 month immunizations today but when we got to the appointment the doctor thought it would just be easiest to do them today. Pennington cried a little bit but overall the nurse thought he did really well.
One really interesting thing about Pennington is that his first and second newborn screening indicated that he has the Hemoglobin E Trait. A person with Hemoglobin E will have no health problems but will pass the gene for Hemoglobin E on to their children. This trait is found in people whose ancestors come from Southeast Asia, including Laos. Johnny is also a carrier of the Hemoglobin E Trait. When Johnny was going through his Chemo treatments his doctor mentioned that if you have this trait you are able to better fight off Malaria. The one problem with being a carrier of the Hemoglobin E Trait is that if you have a child with some that also is a carrier there is a 25% chance that the child will have Sickle Cell Anemia which is life threatening.
One really interesting thing about Pennington is that his first and second newborn screening indicated that he has the Hemoglobin E Trait. A person with Hemoglobin E will have no health problems but will pass the gene for Hemoglobin E on to their children. This trait is found in people whose ancestors come from Southeast Asia, including Laos. Johnny is also a carrier of the Hemoglobin E Trait. When Johnny was going through his Chemo treatments his doctor mentioned that if you have this trait you are able to better fight off Malaria. The one problem with being a carrier of the Hemoglobin E Trait is that if you have a child with some that also is a carrier there is a 25% chance that the child will have Sickle Cell Anemia which is life threatening.
This month Pennington is suppose to smile at Mommy and Daddy for the first time and be able to hold his head up for a few seconds. He hasn't smiled yet except for when he is sleeping. Below is a picture of Pennington doing tummy time. He has some awesome head control for a six week old. 
Breakfast with the Benninger's
While we were in Stockton we met up with one of Jesikah's sorority sisters Jane and her family for breakfast. It was really great to meet her two boys Charlie and Collin for the first time. Charlie is two years old and Collin is six months old. Below is a picture of Jane, Jesikah and their little boys.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Five Generation Photo
Pennington, Jesikah, Johnny, Great-Grandma and Grandpa Schauer, and Grandma Groves made the long trek to Stockton, California yesterday to go visit Pennington's Great-Great Grandmother (Nana). Nana is 92 years old and still kickin'. Below are the five generation photos.
From left to right (Great-Great Grandma Schauer, Great Grandpa Schauer, Grandma Groves, Jesikah and Pennington)
From left to right (Great-Great Grandma Schauer, Great Grandpa Schauer, Pennington, Grandma Groves, and Jesikah)
From left to right (Great-Grandma Schauer, Great-Great Grandma Schauer, Jesikah, Pennington, and Grandma Groves)
One Month Old
Pennington turned one month old yesterday. The only bummer about turning one month old was that he spent the day couped up in a car driving to Stockton California to visit his Great-Great Grandmother. Normally a drive from Boise to Stockton takes about 9 1/2 hours. It took us 12 hours. Most of the delay was due to several construction projects along the way, not because of Pennington. Pennington did surprisingly well. He didn't cry much at all. Below are pictures of Pennington when he was one month old.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Play Date
Today Pennington and I went to visit Becca and Avery Allan. Becca is a friend of mine who gave birth to a little girl Avery 10 days after Pennington was born. I would like to call this Pennington's first play date even though Pennington and Avery didn't really interact much. It really turned into a play date for the moms to chat about how our little ones have changed our lives forever. The four of us took a very nice walk through Barber Park and Wood Duck. Below are a couple of pictures of Pennington and Avery. It was a bit tricky trying to get a photo without one of them crying but I did my best.

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Trip to the Cabin
On Wednesday Pennington, Jesikah and Grandma Groves took at three day trip up to the Groves Family Cabin in Donnelly. Highlights from the trip included going into McCall and watching the Boise State game. Below are some photos from the trip.
Grandma holding Pennington. Pennington is wearing Boise State gear. Go Broncos!!!!
Jesikah and Pennington at the Cabin.
Pennington in his car seat on the way back from the cabin. Pennington slept the entire way back from the cabin until we got onto Eagle Road. Then he proceeded to cry the entire ride down Eagle Road (approximately a 20 minute drive). Hopefully on our trip to Stockton next week to visit Pennington's Great-Great Grandmother will go smoothly.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Three Weeks Old
Pennington turned three weeks old yesterday. The most important highlight from the past week was going to visit Pat who is a Cranial Sacral Therapy Specialist to help teach Jesikah how to massage Pennington's jaw and tongue so he could breastfeed better. Pat is definitely a miracle woman because Pennington is eating soooo much better. Below are some photos of things Pennington has been up to over the past week.
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