Pennington turned seven months old today. Here is what Pennington did on his Seven Month Birthday.
His seven month birthday didn't start out very well. He was "mister crabby pants" this morning when he woke up at 6:15am!?!?! I wasn't very happy about the fact he woke up so early and neither was Pennington. After figuring out that he was just really hungry and needed some playtime, I was able to get Pennington to go back to sleep for a few more
hours. Thank god!!!
I woke Pennington up at 9:45am to have breakfast and then head to Baby Story Time. Pennington did awesome at Baby Story Time today. Sometimes he gets a little board with the stories but not today. That is probably because all the stories were about what you could do with your hands and toes so I was able to distract him by doing those things with his hands and toes. As usual, Pennington enjoyed all the songs. I love the fact that he knows when to jump up and down when we sing "When Your Happy and You Know It".
After Baby Story Time, we head home for lunch. Below is a picture of Pennington getting ready for lunch.

After lunch Pennington and I went with Nonie and G.G. to Costco. Not sure if I have mentioned this before by G.G. is my Grandmother on my Mom's side. G.G is short for Great Grandma. Pennington has been to Costco several times and I have to say that I think he really enjoys it. There is just so much to look at.
After Costco it was time to go home and see Daddy for a few hours before he heads off to work. One of Pennington's favorite things to do is hang out with Domino (Nonie and Poppy's dog). Below is a picture of Pennington playing with Domino.
I mentioned earlier this week that Pennington can also attempt to "bear crawl". I finally was able to get a picture of it. Sometimes his bottom is so high up in the air that it looks like he is doing "down dog". For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about it is a yoga position.
After seeing Daddy and playing with Domino it was time for a nap. Pennington's afternoon naps have been lasting a few hours lately. Today's was at least two and a half hours.
After nap time Pennington helped me finish making Nonie's birthday dinner. In case you were wondering tomorrow is Nonie's actual Birthday. When we have sit down meals we always try to make sure Pennington sits at the table with the family and eats his food at the same time. I think it makes him feel really grown up.
After dinner it was time for the usual bedtime routine. Playtime, bath time, story time, then snooze. I realized tonight during playtime that if all else fails and I can't figure out why he is fussy singing to him usually will do the trick. Good thing I enjoy singing. Nigh-nigh my little Pennington!