Sunday, May 30, 2010
Babies in a Chicken Coop
Monday, May 24, 2010
Nine Month Checkup
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Living Outside
Springtime Fun with Daddy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Favorite Things for a 7 to 9 Month Old
I thought again it would be helpful to write down my favorite things for a 7 to 9 month old so when my little girl comes I will be able to remember.
1. Robeez - This has been on my list forever. I love them.
2. Small Books with thick pages. - This was on my 4 to 6 month list as well. Pennington loves trying to turn the pages of the books I read to him. Books with the think pages are the best. Especially when he wants to chew on them.
3. Cups with Straws - I am convinced that for some reason Avent, Gerber, ect market sippy cups as the cup of choice for a 6 to 12 month old in order to make a profit. You end up purchasing all different types of sippy cups because you child can't figure out how to use them. Sippy cups are really expensive too. Even though cups with straws say they are for older children they are much easier for children to use and they are way cheaper. You can get like 5 straw cups for the price of one sippy cup. I currently have four sippy cups that I don't even use. The cups with straws are the way to go.
4. Music - Pennington loves listening to music. It can always calm him down. He also enjoys making him own music on the piano.
5. Backpack carries - A 7 to 9 month old is to big for a front carrier, so it is time to move onto a backpack carrier.
6. Pack and Play (aka Playpin) - This was on my list last time as well. Honestly these are a must have if you are traveling out of town with the baby.
7. Booster Seat - This is a must have. We use it all the time. We take it with us to restaurants and friends and families houses for dinner. I personally prefer to feed Pennington in the booster seat right now over of high chair. The high chair is way to big for him at this age. Booster seats are also like 1/4 of the price of a high chair.
8. Umbrella Stroller - I love using the umbrella stroller when I am at the mall, at the market, or even just going to the park. It is way smaller and easier to carry than a normal size stroller. Plus it is like 1/4 of the cost.