Monday, June 28, 2010
Pool Time
Now that it is finally getting hot in Boise. Over 100 degrees today to be exact. We are starting to spend a lot of time in the pool. Daddy bought Pennington this really awesome infant floating device that he can sit in and still be able to kick around and splash his hands in the water. Overall Pennington loves the pool. Below is a picture of the family in the pool.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Summer Fun at the Cabin
This weekend Pennington and Mommy went to the cabin. Pennington spent a lot of time exploring what the outdoors have to offer. Below are some photos of the weekend.
Pennington hanging out with Domino.
Pennington exploring the backyard at the cabin.
Father's Day
For Father's Day, Mommy made dinner and Pennington got Daddy some new golf stuff so he can go golfing at Warm Springs. Below is a picture Pennington and Daddy on Father's Day.

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Ten Months Old
Pennington turned ten months old yesterday. During the last month Pennington got his second tooth. He started walking around holding onto furniture. He can now sign "dog". He went swimming in a pool for the first time. He went to the Zoo. He started classes at The Little Gym. Below are some recent photos of Pennington.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Little Gym
Daddy and Mommy decided to have Pennington start taking classes at "The Little Gym". Today was Pennington's first class. The class works on basic motor skills through aerobics, elementary gymnastics skills, songs, group activities, stretching, ball play and bubbles. Pennington is in the "Bird" class which is for 10 to 19 month olds. Pennington is definitely the youngest kid in the class and the only one that doesn't know how to walk yet. However, I would say most of the other children are around 14 to 16 months old so it doesn't surprise me that they already know how to walk. Pennington did a really great job at class today. He attempted to do his very first summer salt, he crawled around the mats popping bubbles, he practiced walking with Mommy's help across the balance beam and he played with balls on the mats. The other moms were really impressed with how well Pennington can get around for only being 10 months old (well 10 months old in three days). Of course both Mommy and Daddy were really proud.
Pennington is going to take a break from Music Class for the summer. Overall, he really enjoyed music class. I have to say that I do think he learned a lot about how to move his body and make music over the last few months which I believe has something to do with the music class. I love it when he tries to sing while playing the piano at home. I am going to have to get a video of it soon and post it on the blog. I am thinking we might go back to Music Class in the fall or winter when baby sister can join us. I think baby sister is free if she is under 8 months so it is sort of a two for one special. I guess there are some perks to having two little ones 12 months apart.
I don't think I mentioned this before but Pennington only has Katanim once a month during the summer so we are hoping "The Little Gym" can takes its place for a while.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Very Sensitive Skin
Pennington has the most sensitive skin ever!!! I can only really use one kind of lotion on him (Eucerin Aquaphor). Even other lotions that say they are hypoallergenic don't work. If we ever run out of Seventh Generation, Greenworks, or Kirkland brand hypoallergenic laundry detergent and softener and god forbid ever use something like Tide or Bounty his skin will breaks out in a rash. The other day we discovered that he is allergic to something in Hummus. It doesn't appear as though it is a food allergy but rather just a skin allergy. The good thing is that it doesn't seem to bother him much.
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