This video was taken on November 15. For some reason I have been having issues up loading videos. Enjoy!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Music Together
Pennington just finished his second semester of Music Together. He is really starting to excel musically. He now points at the computer or CD player asking for us to turn his music on. Below are some photos of Pennington at Music Class.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pennington 15 Months Old
Pennington turned 15 months old yesterday. Over the last month he has started to respond to questions by saying "ya". He can tell you what a sheep says. He also can pretty much say dog. He also likes to say "ah, ah" or "uh, uh" and point and things. 

He just started moving a chair around so he can climb up on in order to reach things.
He gets really excited to go to K'tamin, Music Class and Little Gym. He knows exactly where to go when we arrive at the class. At both Music Class and Little Gym he puts the ball or musical instruments away when asked.
He really enjoys when you sing songs to him that has actions to them like I'm a Little Teapot, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, If Your Happy and You Know It, ect. He attempts to do the actions as well.
He loves throwing and kicking balls. One of his new favorite games is to throw or kick a ball down the stairs and have Daddy throw it back up to him. Mommy was a bit scared about this game at first but Pennington never seems to fall down the stairs.
Pennington's First Haircut
As I mentioned in the Raking Leaves posting Pennington's hair is getting a little long. We have had a few people think he was a girl lately. Really??? It is not like I dressed him in girly looking clothes. Johnny's hidden talent is cutting hair so he took on the task of cutting Pennington's hair. Below are the before and after pictures. Our baby boy is now a really little boy.

After. Sorry this isn't a very good picture. More to come,
Piper Two Month Doctor Appointment
I know that Piper is almost three months old but we just had our two month appointment today. Dr. Booth said that Piper is doing really well. She is gaining weight well. Below are the stats:
Weight: 11 pounds 8 ounces (45 percentile)
Height: 23 1/2 inches (55 percentile)
Head circumference: 39 1/4 cm (50 percentile)
I have to say that I was shocked to know she is basically 50 percentile. It seems crazy know that we were ever concerned about her weight. No need to be concerned at all now.
Of course these appointments also include shots. Piper did fairly well (meaning there was minimal crying). I did step out of the room so she didn't have to watch. Pennington also got a flu shot today. Pennington did fairly well also but did cry more than Piper. He did really enjoyed the cherry sucker I gave him after he got his shot. Nonie came to the visit with Mommy and said that Pennington started crying when he heard Piper crying from getting her shots. I think he is going to turn out to be a great big brother.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Piper Twelve Weeks Old
Piper turned twelve weeks old today. As we have always said from the beginning she is a talker. She LOVES cooing. She will have an entire five minute converstaion with you in baby talk. It is sooo cute.

Piper has had a few colds since she was born. Most likely she got the colds from Pennington. We are happy to say that the think the colds are gone for now. We took her to the doctor last week to make sure she didn't have an ear infection or any fluid in her lungs. The good new is that she didn't. The bad news is that you can't really do anything for a newborn with a cold so it last forever.
Piper is basically out of all of her newborn clothes and currently is wearing 0-3 month clothing. She currently weighs a little over 11 pounds. She is getting her first round of shots on Friday so I will have a doctor update for you then.
Piper is still not sleeping in her crib. If you have any suggestions for me on how to get a child to sleep in there crib I am definitely open to hearing them. Even though she doesn't sleep well in her crib she will sleep well on a bed, in her bouncy chair, or in a baby carrier. Below is a recent photo of Little Miss Piper and her Daddy.
Raking Leaves
Last week Pennington helped rake leaves in the front yard. He LOVES helping out around the house and in the yard. He will follow Daddy around while he is mowing the lawn. He also likes to help sweep and rake. Below are a few pictures of Pennington helping rake the leaves.

Pennington raking the leaves.
Pennington hanging out with Mufasa. Mufasa is Elliott's girlfriend Leasley's dog. Pennington LOVES walking Mufasa.
Yes it looks like our kid has a mullet. I think it is about time for a haircut.
Pennington sweeping.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bath Time for Two
We have been trying really hard to get a routine together for bedtime. About a month ago the old routine that we used to do for Pennington just wasn't working anymore so we decided to change it up. A friend of mine told me it only takes 5 days to get a new routine established. So that is exactly what we did. Honestly we are still trying to figure out how to make it work with two but for right now it goes something like this.
1. Dinner for Pennington and a bottle for Piper. Note: To make sure Piper will continue to take a bottle when Mommy goes back to work we are giving Piper two two ounce bottles a day.
2. Playtime
3. Bath time for Pennington and every couple of days Piper joins in as well.
4. Quiet music while we get our pajamas on and sometimes Pennington has a little milk. Currently we are listen to Jewel Lullaby which is SOOOO relaxing.
5. Two to three bedtime stories for Pennington. If Piper is happy she gets to listen as well.
6. Pennington is held by Mommy in his room while she sings him a few songs and then lays him down while he is still awake. If Mommy has to be with Piper at that moment Daddy lays Pennington down.
7. Mommy gets to relax and get ready for bed while Daddy is with Piper.
8. Mommy reads Piper her own story and then feeds her one last time before both Mommy and Piper go to bed for the night. Note: Still can't get Piper to sleep in her crib. I am up for any suggestions.
Below is a picture of the kiddos at bath time.
Happy Halloween
For Halloween this year we decided to dress both Pennington and Piper up as bumble bees. Pennington wore his costume to Music class on Thursday and to go trick-or-treating at Mommy's office on Friday. On Halloween night the kids wore their costumes over to the Ploetz's for dinner. Below are some pictures of the kiddos in their bumble bee outfits.

Pennington looking at himself in the mirror.
Daddy and Piper.
The Family.
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