This last week at K'tanim Pennington attempted to paint for the second time. It has been roughly two months since the last time Pennington tried painting. From what I understand this time was a bit more successful than the last time. After spreading the paint around with his hands he grabbed the paper and attempted to eat it. That is how he got paint on his face.
Mommy and Pennington have been joining Melissa and Maggie at Baby Story Time. Baby Story Time consists of reading stories, singing songs, and watching a short video. Mommy can't believe how well behaved all the other babies are. They all just sit there so quietly. Pennington is usually the one that can't sit still and needs to be distracted with his pacifier. When Pennington is actually paying attention he seems to be enjoying it. Especially when we sing the songs he knows like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes".
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