Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eight Months Old

I turned eight months old today. I thought I would let you know what I am doing right now.

1. I love eating anything Mommy and Daddy let me fed myself. Enough with the baby food. I still don't have any teeth so I am limited on what they will give me. Right now they will only let me have hard things to suck on or things that will mush up in my mouth. I really like oranges, cantaloupe, carrots, bananas, avocado, Cheerios, ect. Until I get teeth they are going to make me eat baby food. Hopefully I will get teeth soon.

2. I just learned how to drink from a cup with a straw. Mommy and Daddy let me have water and watered down juice from the cup. I still need a little help holding the cup. Drinking from a straw is much easier than a sippy cup. See the picture below.

3. I can crawl everywhere. I can even pull myself up to a standing position next to the bathtub, coffee table, ottoman, even my wagon.

4. I still love being read to before I go to bed. I have started to wake up twice a night because I have realized I am all alone in my crib. Mommy and Daddy come and get me when I cry. They usually let me have a few ounces of a bottle to help me go back to bed. The thing is that I am really not that hungry in the middle of the night. I just want to know someone will come get me. I think Mommy and Daddy wish I wouldn't wake up twice a night but I can't help it. I am just a little scared. If I wake up after 5:00am and will not go back to bed Mommy and Daddy let me lay in bed with them. I really like it when they let me sleep with them because I feel safe. Mommy and Daddy keep telling me I can't sleep with them forever.

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