Monday, July 26, 2010
Oh Roseola
So I guess I was wrong for thinking that Pennington's fever was related to teething. Really he had Roseola. Roseola starts out with a fever for a few days and then after the fever is gone a rosy-pink rash shows up for a few days. Typically the fever is around 102 to 104 degrees and the rash is on the chest, stomach, back, neck and face. Roseola is contagious only while the child has a fever. We aren't really sure how he got Roseola since it can take 7 to 10 days days to show up. I am happy to say that the rash is finally gone and Pennington is back to his happy self again.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
First Fever
We know this sounds crazy but Pennington has seriously never had a fever until yesterday. Of course Mom is totally freaked out about it. We are pretty sure he is runny a fever because he is teething because he is drooling a lot and doesn't have any other signs of being sick. From what we have been told some kids run a fever when they are teething. Specifically when they are getting molars. Mom really needs to calm down because his fever is ranging from 100 to 102 degrees which really isn't that high for a baby. Hopefully the fever will go away soon. Nonie watched Pennington today while Dad and Mom were at work. She said she was a "Rocking Grandma" today because she just held Pennington all day. Thank you Nonie for taking care of our little sick child.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Below is a video of Pennington walking. He hasn't master it yet but he is getting close to having it all figured out.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Eleven Months Old
Pennington is now eleven months old. Pennington got four more teeth in the last month (top front four) for a total of six teeth. This means he has been able to eat a lot of new foods because he can bit down and tare food now. He also has begun to feed Domino people food. Pennington thinks it is really funny when we tell him that he shouldn't feed Domino his food. He is still to young to understand why we are telling him not to feed Domino his food. I'm hoping to get a video of him feeding Domino soon.
Pennington started taking a few independent steps in the last week. We have seen him take as many as 10 to 15 steps all by himself. He also just started to stand up by himself without holding onto anything and then take a few steps. He will probably be walking without falling very much by his first birthday. It is really exciting to see him walk because he is so proud of himself. Pennington has also figured out how to get himself down the stairs safely. This is a huge relief for Mom and Dad.
Diaper Bash 2010
Yesterday our family held our second Diaper Bash. It was a blast. The Diaper Bash was held in the Groves Family backyard. People were able to go swimming, play in the Badminton tournament, and enjoy fabulous food. Thank you everyone who was able to attend. We are definitely set on diapers for the first few months of our little girls life. Poppy was in charge of taking photos at the Bash but it turns out that the camera was on video mode not picture mode. So below is a video from the Bash. Hopefully I will be able to some other pictures from some friends to post as well.

Below are a few pictures from the bash.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Fourth of July Weekend
For the Fourth of July Weekend Pennington spent a lot of time in the water. Pennington went swimming in the pool at Nonie and Poppy's Fourth of July party. Pennington also enjoyed playing in the dog dish water at Moya's Fourth of July party. Mom was not a fan of this water activity. Right now it is hard for Mom to stop the little guy from getting into things he shouldn't since he is moving around so quickly these days while at the same time Mom is really starting to slowdown since she is eight months pregnant.

Both Mom and Dad had Monday off so our whole family along with Brandon, Mary, Trei, Paytynn, and Grandma spent the day at CJ Strike Reservoir which is about a hour and half away from Boise. Pennington loved the lake. Surprisingly it wasn't very cold. Below are pictures of Pennington at CJ Strike.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Third Trimester
I thought I should probably give everyone an update on how my pregnancy is going. I am currently 32 and a half weeks pregnant. Wow does time fly. I had an ultrasound on Thursday and my little girl is tracking right on schedule.
Being pregnant the second time is a little different than it was the first time. I felt slightly more sick during the first trimester with baby number 2. Though I can't really complain considering my sickness only means that I felt slightly sea sick. Baby number 2 flips around a lot in my tummy compared to Pennington who was more of a kicker.
Having a little one at home and continuing to work full time means I haven't had time to take Prenatal Yoga like I did with Pennington. However, I have to say that I think I am much better shape this time around since I am constantly chasing Pennington around and carrying him up and down stairs. I haven't gained nearly as much weight during this pregnancy. I just realized I have actually only gained around 12 pounds so far. However, I really am up about 20 pounds since I never got back to my pre-Pennington weight before I got pregnant again.
It is a lot harder to really sit back and enjoy your second pregnancy because you don't really have time to think about it. Honestly there are times when I totally forget I am even pregnant.
My last day of work is going to be August 6th since my doctor thinks the baby will probably come a little early. My maternity leave is going to last until the first week in January. I am starting to really look forward to spending five months at home with Pennington and my little girl. The current plan is to have me go back to work part-time so I can spend more time at home with the little ones and not have to work 55 hour work weeks during my busy season.
Lots of people have asked me if we are keeping her name a secret. We aren't but we haven't decided on a name yet. It is either going to be Zoe, Elle, or Pipper.
Baller Skills!
Below is a picture of Pennington at "The Little Gym" two Tuesdays ago. One of the biggest highlights each week for the little kids is getting to play with the balls. Look how happy he is.

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