Sunday, December 19, 2010

Piper Four Months Old

Wow! I feel like there is so much to say about Piper over the last month.

Motor Skills: She can roll from her back to her stomach pretty much every time you lay her on the floor. She is also starting to get her knees up under her bottom. She is also very good at holding her head up.

Social Skills: She laughed for the first time about a week ago. It was so cute. She loves smiling at you when you say her name.

Yes she is wearing a cat suit. Thanks Tamera and Kim!

Sleep: She is FINALLY sleeping in her crib. I won't lie I did have to do a bit of "sleep training" to accomplish this but it was well worth it. It took me a while to figure this out but Piper really enjoys being Swaddled and listening to the sounds of the Ocean when she sleeps. Since Pennington hated being Swaddled and would have probably woken up to the sounds of the Ocean I didn't think it would work for Piper. Boy was I wrong. Piper successfully sleeps in her crib until about 4 or 5 in the morning when she decides that she has had enough with her crib and wants to sleep with Mom. She is still waking up about two to three times a night. A few nights ago she sleep for 6 1/2 hours in her crib without waking up. She is also now taking naps in her crib. A few days ago she napped for 3 hours.

Feeding: Breastfeeding is going really well. We are still giving her around 2 to 6 ounces of formula a day. The reason for this is to make sure she will take a bottle when I go back to work on January 3rd. So far so good. She doesn't mind the formula or the bottle. Over the last week I was away from Piper three times for more than 5 hours at a time. Since I was gone for a long period of time I had to pump. As I expected, pumping is not going very well. I can hardly get anything. If I am lucky I will get two ounces a sitting. I am crossing my fingers that my milk supply will be able to hold up for a few more months.

Below is a recent photo of our little girl Piper.

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