Pennington has been going to school twice a week now for six weeks. Last week was the first week that he didn't cry when I dropped him off. I think he is really starting to enjoy going to school. When we talk to him about things he does at school he gets really excited. Below is a picture of Pennington when we picked him up from school on Friday.
At school the kids get to help prepare the food they are going to eat. Each week one of the morning snacks is usually pancakes or french toast. When I make pancakes at home he gets really excited and wants to help me mix the batter and flip the pancakes.
At school they are teaching the kids how to put their own shoes and coats on. Pennington is really into trying to get his own shoes and coat on all by himself. He can get his shoes and coat on but he can't velcro his shoes and zip his coat yet.
I have also noticed that he is really into making sure everything goes where it belongs. For example, if something is missing he looks at you like where did it go? Or if he finds my phone, purse, shoes, ect. he will bring them to me.
Pennington gets to paint A LOT at school. Below is a picture of one of my favorite pieces of artwork that he has done at school. He does at least one of these everyday at school.
Pennington is still going to The Little Gym every Tuesday morning with Daddy. He is quite a little climber. A few weeks ago we were at the park and he climbed up the ladder on side of the play set like it was no problem at all. Keep in mind the play set is taller than I am. Below is a picture of Pennington hanging from the rings.

A few weeks ago we took Pennington to Mommy and Daddy's indoor soccer game. We let Pennington sit in the box and he LOVED watching us play. Pretty much everyday now he likes to kick his soccer ball around the house.
Pennington still isn't really talking yet. He still uses his signs and makes lots of sounds when he talks. He just doesn't say any real words yet.
Below are a few other pictures of Pennington taken over the last month.
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