Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pennington TWO YEARS OLD

Pennington is officially TWO YEARS OLD today. We didn't have any big celebration today since we are having a party for both Pennington and Piper on Sunday. We talked to Pennington about how it was his birthday today but I am not 100% sure he really understood besides the fact he knows you are suppose to blowout candles on birthdays.

Pennington is turning into a real little boy who is adventurous, eager to learn and gets frustrated when he doesn't get his way. Over the last month he has started to figure out how to ride his balance bike. This kids is super athletic. He is very interested in learning what new things are and imitating what others do. He is also getting really frustrated when he doesn't get what he wants. Part of this has to do with the fact he is still not really talking. He definitely can communicate with us by using signs, pointing to things and speaking a handful of words but he isn't speaking as much as other children his age. I am very interested to see what Dr. Booth is going to say about his verbal skills at his two year checkup in a few weeks. I am not overly concerned about it since I was a later talker myself. I am sure he will start talking within the next few months.

Below are some recent photos taken of my now two year old.

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