Monday, June 18, 2012

Piper 21 Months

It has been a while since I have given you all an update about Piper. So here it is.

1. Piper is doing well sleeping in her own big girl twin size bed. We are going to be putting her into her queen size bed within the next month. At that time I will post some pictures of Piper's room. She consistently takes one 2 hour nap each day in her bed. She also sleeps over half of the night in her own room before she comes walking into our room to sleep with us for the rest of the night.

2. Piper is still our super eater. If there is one thing that I can say totally paid off with breastfeeding it is that Piper is an amazing eater. She honestly eats anything and everything. It is so nice not to fight with her about eating like we do with Pennington. It is totally worth the time and money to breastfeed your child so that when they start eating they will eat well.

3. Piper continues to be very active at school. Every other week she comes home with around 30 mini work books with stamps, stickers, ect and about 5 large paintings. This is way more than her brother ever did. She is also starting to learn how to sew. Piper never cries when I drop her off at school. In the mornings before school she even gets herself dresses and makes sure she has everything she needs before we leave the house. Oh Piper, how I love the fact you are so easy to get out of the house on school days.

4. Piper has been going on the potty for us several times a day. This includes going both poop and pee. I have 2 more full work weeks before I start working around 25 hours a week for the summer. My plan is to start pushing the potty training thing in about a month. I have to get Pennington potty trained by September and it will be just as easy to do them both at the same time. Piper is just as ready as Pennington is.

5. Piper loves to get her hair done. She enjoys getting to pick out what color hair tie to wear and how many pony tails she is going to have.

6. Piper is getting close to being about to ride both the balance bike and her bike with training wheels. If only she was an inch taller she could probably do it right now.

7. We have a lot of imaginative play going on in our house right now. Piper is doing a good job of joining in but some times has this completely confused look on her face when Pennington is calling Mom - Pig and Piper - Arnold (two characters from Kipper). Not sure if she is just totally confused or if she just thinks her brother is crazy.

8. Piper is so fun to be around now that she is no longer dependent upon her mother for breastfeeding. She is becoming much more independent. Like I mentioned above she can basically dress herself now and definitely tells you . . .  "I can do it MYself". I really need to get a video of her tearing through her dresser looking for something to wear. I swear it is like watching a 13 year old.

Overall Piper is doing really well. Life is so much easier now that my 21 and 33 month olds are almost like twins. I got really lucky that they both enjoy doing a lot of the same things. It makes our lives so much easier. While I haven't seen Piper show as big of an interest in sports as Pennington does, I do think that Piper will enjoying playing a sport or two when she is older.

1 comment:

  1. I love how Piper looks in this picture. She is like "I love this fucking carrot".
