Monday, October 22, 2012

2 and 3 Year Old Checkups

Last week I took the kids to their 2 and 3 year old checkups with Dr. Booth. Nothing really exciting. Both kids are doing great and appear to be right on track. There were a few take aways I got from the appointment. (1) I need to have the kids take a vitamin with iron in it. Right now the one they take doesn't have iron in it. (2) I need to try to give them more water. Right now I pretty much only give them soy milk or juice. Basically I need to just give them water when it is not meal time. I have heard this a thousand times but it was a good reminder.

Below are the stats. I have to say I am not 100% sure if they are comparing my kids to other children that just turned 2 or 3 or if they are actually comparing them to children that are 26 months and 38 months. Regardless I would say my kids aren't the smallest but on average are smaller.


Weight: 26 pounds - 48 percentile
Height: 33 1/2 inches - 26 percentile
Head Circumference: 18 1/2 - 39 percentile


Weight: 31 pounds - 37 percentile
Height: 38 1/2 inches - 52 percentile
Blood Pressure: 70/60

I guess at 3 they stop doing head circumference and move to blood pressure. :)

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