Thursday, September 29, 2011


I got a call around 10:45 this morning that Pennington had fallen off a bike at school and cut up his chin pretty bad. I rushed to pick Pennington up and found out that the silly kid thought it would be good idea to ride a bike down two stairs at school. Pennington didn't seemed bothered by the cut on his chin at all but his teachers were sure that he probably needed stitches. Pennington already had a cute little pink band aid on his chin when I picked him up so I couldn't see how bad it was. Johnny and Piper met us at Dr. Booths Office. Val (Dr. Booths Nurse) removed the band aid to find that his skin was separating and the cut was pretty deep. Pennington needed stitches for sure. Val numbed this chin with some gel and then Johnny and Pennington went into another room to get stitches while I sat with Piper. Pennington did really well with getting a shot in his chin to numb the area more. But he was not a fan of being held down for five minutes while Dr. Booth put SIX stitches in his chin. Below are some photos of Pennington's chin. WARNING SOME OF THEM ARE A BIT GRAPHIC.

Pennington arriving at the doctors office.

Pennington's cut up chin. Yucky!

Pennington on the operating table.

Pennington and Daddy after Pennington got his stitches.

Pennington riding his bike this evening like nothing even happened earlier today. I'm pretty sure this will not be his last set of stitches. :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Year at K'tanim

The kids just started up K'tanim a few Mondays ago. For those of you that don't remember, K'tanim is a toddler group at the Synagogue that meets on Monday mornings from 10 to 12. Nonnie is leading the group this year as the old Mora (Mora means "teacher" in Hebrew) moved to Israel. At K'tanim they sing opening songs, have free time to play, do some sort of art project, and then eat a snack. What I love about K'tanim is it is chance for the kids to be around other Jewish children and learn a bit about what it means to be Jewish. Before they eat snack they say the blessings over the food they are eating. Some weeks they talk about the upcoming holiday. This week is Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). One thing you do on Rosh Hashanah is eat apples and honey which symbolizes a sweet new year. Pennington loves apples and honey. Nonnie also came up with an idea of using apples as stamps so that is what the art project was this week. Daddy doesn't work on Monday mornings so he has been taking the kids to K'tanim. Below is a picture of Pennington pulling Piper in the wagon at K'tanim. I just love this photo.

Side note: I know I am totally slacking on updating the blog. I have misplaced the Bloggie which of course has tons of photos on it. Hopefully I will find it soon.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hyde Park Street Fair 2011

This weekend was the Hyde Park Street Fair (HPSF). They started a new event this year which was a parade down 13th Street. Johnny and I took the kids down to see the parade and walk through the fair. Before the parade we listen to an African Drum Band. (Note: We have seen them several times at the Saturday Market but I can't remember what the Bands name is). They had a bunch of instruments out for the kids to play with. Below are pictures of the kids playing with the instruments.

At the HPSF they also have a Children Area with all sorts of stuff. We let Pennington go on each of the bouncy houses. Johnny took Piper down a huge bouncy house slide. She enjoyed it. Below are pictures of Pennington in the bouncy houses climbing up ladders and sliding down the slide.

The parade was okay. The Boise High School band was in it and then other people promoting their political agendas. The kids thought it was interesting but honestly it wasn't that cool. Maybe next year it will be better.

Since Johnny has been working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings we weren't able to go down to the HPSF in the evening to listen to the fabulous music. I just keep telling myself that two years from now things will be different and we will hopefully be able to spend lots of quality time on the weekends together. Thank you Johnny for taking one for the team and working evenings and weekends so I can continue to work and the kids don't have to be in childcare all the time. I love you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dirty Dash

Having two very young children, both of us working pretty much full time, and Johnny going to school full time doesn't give us very much time to ourselves. A few weeks ago Johnny and I were able to spend a few hours together without the kiddos. Normally most people would do something relaxing together but we decided to run the Dirty Dash. Basically the Dirty Dash is an approximately 10K run up at Bogus Basin (local ski resort). However it isn't your normal 10K run. You have to jump over hay barrels, walk on balance beams, run through tires, crawl through tunnels, climb ladders, run through mud, hike up a mountain, chug a beer, go down an ~300 foot slip-n-slide, and finally walk through a huge mud pit to cross the finish line. Honestly it was SOOO much fun. We found out that they have a Piglet Plunge that we are hoping to sign the kids up for in the future. It is a one mile run that includes the slip-n-slide and the mud pit. Below is a picture of Johnny and I at the Dirty Dash.

I mentioned above that Johnny is in school. Johnny decided to go back to school to get his bachelors degree in Nursing. He is doing the RN to BSN online program through BSU. Basically he needs his BSN in order to get a job at one of the big hospitals in town. So far it is going well. I am just trying to make sure I help him find enough time to study. If all goes well he will be finished in December 2012.

Piper 13 Months Old

Piper will be 13 months old tomorrow. I feel like she has grown up a lot in the last month. Folks this girl is starting to sleep. Two nights ago I think she slept her first six hour stretch EVER. She slept from around 9:30 to 3:40. It was AMAZING. I think I actually had my first full REM cycle in over a year. The last few nights she has slept in her own bed until around 6am when she wont go back to sleep unless I sleep with her. This is HUGE progress. She is also starting to fall asleep on her own. She still likes to know that Mom and Dad are near by. I spend a lot of time just sitting in the room with her until she falls asleep.

Piper had some issues with her one year old shots. For about two weeks after her shots she ran fevers from 100 to 103 and was just flat out cranky. I am so glad that she is finally feeling better. We definitely knew she wasn't feeling well because she didn't really want to eat. Now that she is feeling well again she is eating like crazy. She currently loves eating salsa and the homemade tamales Daddy made. The crazy thing is that she doesn't even care that they are super spicy. This girl loves to eat pretty much anything.

Piper is starting to be so much fun. As you can see from the picture below she is starting to learn how to ride a bike. One girly thing she likes to do now is wear necklaces. She walks around the house trying to find anything that she can wear as a necklace.

Over the last month she picked up the word "NO". It is so funny that she says no. Pennington to this day still hardly says no. Piper walks around saying no, no, no with the attitude of a teenager. It is so funny. We are trying to work on getting her to say yes. She is signing as well but not quite as many words as Pennington does. Part of the reason she doesn't sign as much is because we just haven't taught her very many words. She currently signs more, all done, please, thank you, and hungry/eat. Not sure if I have mentioned this before but the way my children sign please and thank you is how Buddhist's do it. It is basically putting your hands together like you would if you where praying. Grandma taught the kids please and thank you at a very young age.