Piper will be 13 months old tomorrow. I feel like she has grown up a lot in the last month. Folks this girl is starting to sleep. Two nights ago I think she slept her first six hour stretch EVER. She slept from around 9:30 to 3:40. It was AMAZING. I think I actually had my first full REM cycle in over a year. The last few nights she has slept in her own bed until around 6am when she wont go back to sleep unless I sleep with her. This is HUGE progress. She is also starting to fall asleep on her own. She still likes to know that Mom and Dad are near by. I spend a lot of time just sitting in the room with her until she falls asleep.
Piper had some issues with her one year old shots. For about two weeks after her shots she ran fevers from 100 to 103 and was just flat out cranky. I am so glad that she is finally feeling better. We definitely knew she wasn't feeling well because she didn't really want to eat. Now that she is feeling well again she is eating like crazy. She currently loves eating salsa and the homemade tamales Daddy made. The crazy thing is that she doesn't even care that they are super spicy. This girl loves to eat pretty much anything.
Piper is starting to be so much fun. As you can see from the picture below she is starting to learn how to ride a bike. One girly thing she likes to do now is wear necklaces. She walks around the house trying to find anything that she can wear as a necklace.
Over the last month she picked up the word "NO". It is so funny that she says no. Pennington to this day still hardly says no. Piper walks around saying no, no, no with the attitude of a teenager. It is so funny. We are trying to work on getting her to say yes. She is signing as well but not quite as many words as Pennington does. Part of the reason she doesn't sign as much is because we just haven't taught her very many words. She currently signs more, all done, please, thank you, and hungry/eat. Not sure if I have mentioned this before but the way my children sign please and thank you is how Buddhist's do it. It is basically putting your hands together like you would if you where praying. Grandma taught the kids please and thank you at a very young age.