Having two very young children, both of us working pretty much full time, and Johnny going to school full time doesn't give us very much time to ourselves. A few weeks ago Johnny and I were able to spend a few hours together without the kiddos. Normally most people would do something relaxing together but we decided to run the Dirty Dash. Basically the Dirty Dash is an approximately 10K run up at Bogus Basin (local ski resort). However it isn't your normal 10K run. You have to jump over hay barrels, walk on balance beams, run through tires, crawl through tunnels, climb ladders, run through mud, hike up a mountain, chug a beer, go down an ~300 foot slip-n-slide, and finally walk through a huge mud pit to cross the finish line. Honestly it was
SOOO much fun. We found out that they have a Piglet Plunge that we are hoping to sign the kids up for in the future. It is a one mile run that includes the slip-n-slide and the mud pit. Below is a picture of Johnny and I at the Dirty Dash.
I mentioned above that Johnny is in school. Johnny decided to go back to school to get his bachelors degree in Nursing. He is doing the RN to BSN online program through BSU. Basically he needs his BSN in order to get a job at one of the big hospitals in town. So far it is going well. I am just trying to make sure I help him find enough time to study. If all goes well he will be finished in December 2012.
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