The kids just started up K'tanim a few Mondays ago. For those of you that don't remember, K'tanim is a toddler group at the Synagogue that meets on Monday mornings from 10 to 12. Nonnie is leading the group this year as the old Mora (Mora means "teacher" in Hebrew) moved to Israel. At K'tanim they sing opening songs, have free time to play, do some sort of art project, and then eat a snack. What I love about K'tanim is it is chance for the kids to be around other Jewish children and learn a bit about what it means to be Jewish. Before they eat snack they say the blessings over the food they are eating. Some weeks they talk about the upcoming holiday. This week is Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). One thing you do on Rosh Hashanah is eat apples and honey which symbolizes a sweet new year. Pennington loves apples and honey. Nonnie also came up with an idea of using apples as stamps so that is what the art project was this week. Daddy doesn't work on Monday mornings so he has been taking the kids to K'tanim. Below is a picture of Pennington pulling Piper in the wagon at K'tanim. I just love this photo.

Shana tova Jes :) For you and the whole family! Please send my love and wishes of a great year to everyone.