Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lao New Year 2012

This weekend we celebrated the Lao New Year. Similar to last year the whole family went out to the temple to give offerings to our ancestors. Additionally, this year they Lao Community put on an event at the Power House in the evening. Johnny had to work so I took the kids to the evening event. The evening event was really cool. They had a group of children put on a martial arts performance, a group of teenage girls did a traditional Laotion dance, the older women also did a traditional Laotion dance and sang a song, and finally they had a group from Burma come and do a traditional Burmese dance and song. It was awesome. It is so nice to experience all this amazing culture. I am so lucky that my children are growing up getting to be able to experience so many different cultures. Below are some photos of the festivities.

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