Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pennington's First Bronco Game

Two weekends ago the Broncos had an early afternoon game against Nevada. We decided to take the kids down for a little tailgating before nap time. One of the tailgates we went to had "Gus the Bronco Bus". Gus is owned by a few of my current and former co-workers. Below are some pictures of the kids driving the bus.

Johnny decided that he should take Pennington into the game for at least the first quarter. Pennington was able to stay long enough to see the first Bronco touchdown. Below is a picture of Pennington and Nicholas Ploetz at Pennington's very first Bronco Game.
Pennington definitely knows who the Broncos are. Daddy bought him about about Buster Bronco which we read at least 3 times at week. He loves his new Bronco football that his great grandma got him. He also asks to wear his Bronco gear a lot. I have to remind him that he I would prefer that he waits to wear his Bronco gear on game days. Go Broncos!!!

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