Friday, December 16, 2011

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

On Tuesday morning Pennington told me he wanted to lay down because he felt sick. I asked him why he felt sick and he pointed to his mouth. I felt in his mouth and it felt like he had a canker sore. I thought he just bit the side of his mouth when he was eating a banana for breakfast so I went ahead and took him to school. A few hours later I got a call that Pennington wasn't feeling very well and had been sleeping all morning at school. I was told that another child had hand, foot and mouth so I called Dr. Booth to see if he could see Pennington that afternoon. Dr. Booth confirmed that Pennington did in fact has hand, foot and mouth. Below is some background on hand foot and mouth.

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a common childhood illness. It causes sores in the mouth and on the hands, feet, and sometimes the buttocks and legs. Mouth sores can be painful and may make it hard for your child to eat. The disease is not serious, and it usually goes away in a week or so.

This sickness sucks. Pennington cried for about two days straight. He only had sores in his mouth which made eating and drinking really hard. It has been three days since he was diagnosed and he is finally starting to recover. Below is a picture of Pennington at his doctors appointment. This pictures is deceiving since he looks totally fine but after this appointment he cried for a long time.

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