Sunday, December 18, 2011

Johnny's Birthday Party

For Johnny's 30th we decided to have all of our friends over for dinner, drinks, and fun. Johnny and I used to have dinner parties all the time before we had kids. It is something we really miss doing. So I decided why not have a dinner party for Johnny's 30th. We provided all the food and asked people to bring a beverage to share.

We feel so blessed by how many people turned out for the party. The food was amazing and there was plenty of beverages to go around. We needed up breaking out Pictionary and playing it on the kids easel. It was a battle of the sexes and I am sad to report that some how the men won. I have no idea how except for the fact that the version we played involved rolling the die and the men kept rolling sixes and the women kept rolling twos. Basically the men are better at rolling die then the women.

After Pictionary a bunch of us headed downtown to go dancing. It was blast. It made us feel like we were 21 again. I have to say I think it is very healthy to turn back time every once and a while so you can remind yourself how great it is not to be 21 anymore. If we had to party like that every weekend in our thirties we would be in big trouble. Below are some pictures from the night.

Picture of some of the guys that came.
Picture of the winning drawing. Johnny knew the answer in about 2 seconds. It is Mickey Mouse of course.

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