Friday, December 2, 2011

Piper 15 Month Checkup

Today Johnny and I took Piper to her 15 Month Checkup. Of course the only concern I have relates to the fact she has NEVER sleeps through the night (meaning more than 6 hours in a row). Dr. Booth told me the same thing he has told me at least 5 times before that if I want her to sleep I need to stop feeding her in the middle of the night. So I will continue to work on that.

Below are her stats:

Height: 30 inches (31st percentile)
Weight: 20 pounds 8 ounces (13th percentile)

Both Johnny and I were totally shocked by her weight. Piper eats pretty much anything you put in front of her and typically eats at least twice as much as Pennington does. To see that Piper is in the 13th percentile is crazy to us. I don't think she has gained any weight in over a month. Dr. Booth didn't seem to be concerned. Piper is just super active. Below is a picture of my little munchkin eating away.

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