Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Last Feeding

This weekend I got to spend time some much needed time away from the kids. One of my oldest and dearest friends, Leah, is getting married next month and all of our friends celebrated her Bachelorette Party up at my parent’s cabin this weekend.

I didn't know on Friday afternoon that it would be the last time I feed Piper. I took my pump with me thinking that I would just pump if I felt really uncomfortable. Well I tried to pump and it didn't work. This didn't overly surprise me since I really don't feed Piper all that often anymore and I haven't pumped since September.

It was really hard for me to give Breastfeeding up but I realized that now was the best time since I was going to be away from Piper for 48 hours which pretty much never happens. I just keep thinking that if I didn't do it now I probably wouldn't have another easy opportunity to stop until June. Johnny and I are hoping to go out of town for our 5th Year Anniversary in June so that would be the next time I would be away from Piper for a few days in a row.

So as I write this post it has been about 55 hours since I last feed her. At this point my milk is pretty much gone for good. I am a total wreck writing this post as I can barely see the screen from crying. Feeding Piper was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Even though it was really hard at times and I never got any sleep, I loved it. It was a very special experience that I shared with my little girl that I will never forget.

I hung onto Breastfeeding for so long for a few reasons: 1. I was so devastated that it didn't work with Pennington that I was determined to make it work with Piper. 2. Piper loved it and I loved the fact that she loved it. It made me feel good to know that she really needed me. 3. For selfish reasons I loved it because I could truly eat and drink pretty much anything and still lose weight and not have to work out.

The last feeding for me also marks the true end of the baby phase for me. I am definitely now in the wonderful world of raising two toddlers. Now my next biggest challenge is going to be getting Piper off the bottle and Pennington to give up his pacifier. Of course when the time is right it will happen.


  1. Jes! I think it's fantastic that you breastfed Piper so long, and it sounds like it was a natural time to's never easy though. You let it be a natural process for you and her, just as it should be. I too cried and cried when I stopped feeding Maggie, and I'm sure it will be even more difficult with River (although he did bite me tonight!). Sending you a hug from Moscow!

  2. Thanks Melissa. I am really surprised how easy it was to wean her right now. She has only asked me to feed her a few times and all I had to say was mom doesn't have any more milk and then ask her if she wants milk in a bottle. I'm not exactly sure what time she woke up last night but I think she slept for 6 plus hours. Hopefully she will start sleeping through the night soon.
