Saturday, March 24, 2012

Piper 19 Month

Here is the update on Little Miss Piper.

Piper is now a little girl not a baby. She has started to sleep on the twin bed in her room instead of the crib. We are hoping to move the queen size bed into her room in the next month or so.

Piper is definitely opinionated about what she is wearing. While she can't totally dress herself she definitely tries. This includes pants, socks, shoes, and coats. We have started to put her hair up in a side pony tail or pigtails. She looks like such a big girl with her hair up.

When it comes to gross motor skills Piper is desperately trying to keep up with her brother. She is trying really hard to learn how to ride her tricycle and runs really fast when she thinks her brother is going to tackle her. I mention in an earlier posting that she can now climb up a slide which is something I have never seen Pennington do. She is definitely a little monkey.

Piper is super artist at school. She paints at least 3 big paintings every day at school. Denise mentioned that she is very busy at school working on her work whereas Pennington is focusing more on being social.

Piper is talking a lot. This evening I realized she is starting to string 3 to 4 words together. She talks about people and objects that she knows the names of. The first thing she talks about when she wakes up is where Pennington is. She is always wondering where Pennington is.

Piper is a fabulous eater. She eats everything. It is amazing she is only 22 pounds with how much she eats. Her milk intake has increased a lot since I stopped breastfeeding. She is doing really well since I stopped breastfeeding her. It is amazing how you think some things will totally traumatize a child but they get over it in less than a few days. She is starting to sleep better and we don't have to give her any bottles during the middle of the night. If she does wake up she just wants you to lay with her until she falls back asleep.

Overall, Piper is starting to be more independent.

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