Sunday, August 5, 2012


WARNING: Don't read on if you don't want to hear about Boobies.

This is one of those posts that I am a bit embarrassed about but it is a huge part of what Piper talks about right now so I just had to write about it. Since I breastfeed Piper until she was 19 months old she definitely remembers how I used to feed her. Piper talks about Boobies ALL THE TIME. It is a comfort thing for her to be able to touch my breasts when she is sad. I have been working really hard on not letting her touch me any more. She now tells me "Your boobies hiding from me?" She also likes to talk about who has boobies and who doesn't. She told me the other day she wants big boobies. Oh, Piper I know you will hate me for this posting when you are a teenager but that fact of the matter is you LOVE boobies.

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