Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Crist Family Comes to Dinner

Last weekend the Crist Family was in town. I LOVE the Crist Family. Johnny and I have very few friends with children. When you have children you will understand how important it is to have friends with children your children's ages. Between the two of us we have four children that are almost exactly 1 year apart from each other. Maggie just turned 4, Pennington will be 3 in a week, Piper will be 2 in two weeks and River just turned 1. I very much admire how Melissa and Zac are raising their children. It is all about having a more simple life and encouraging learning. I am always reading Melissa's blog to find out new idea on what to do with my kids.

Melissa, Zac and River were able to come over for dinner on Friday night. Maggie was not able to join us as she was spending a lovely time with her grandma who she only gets to see every few months. We went swimming, had dinner and made smores. Below are some pictures (that I stole from River's blog).

Pennington is getting really good at swimming. He can drive for an object at the bottom of the pool (with a little help from Mom and Dad by pushing his body down to the bottom). As you can see from the picture below he is fearless of the water. He will jump/run right in. It is very important to have one on one attention with this child when he is in the pool.

Piper is eating her smore in this photo. I have to say this is a very typical Piper face. It is so hard to get her to smile for pictures. She always has this look on her face.

Here they are. THE BOYS. I just love this photo.

Thank you Crist Family for coming to visit us. We miss you and hope you will move back to Boise someday. In the meantime I really think we should plan that camping trip for next summer. :)

1 comment:

  1. much as we love our life here in Moscow, we sure do miss our dearest friends, and enjoy so much spending time with your little family when we can. And yes...camping, a must!
