Sunday, September 9, 2012

August 2012 Trip to the Cabin II

We ended up being able to find a few more times to get up to the cabin in August. We spend the August 26 -29 up at the cabin. It was just the Luangaphay Family. We spent most of our time hiking and playing on the beach at the cabin. We hiked to Goose Creek Falls and Blue Lake. Both hikes are pretty short which was good for the kids. Pennington did a great job hiking to Goose Creek Falls. The hike is about 3 miles round trip and he was able to hike all they way to the falls by himself. The elevation drop was about 850 feet which made it easy for Pennington to hike by himself and a lot of fun for Johnny and I when we hiked out. Caring an extra 30 pounds is definitely a good workout.

The hike to Blue Lake is about 2 miles round trip. Piper was our super hiker on the hike to Blue Lake. I think she walked about 1 mile of it by herself. Pennington on the other hand wanted to be in the backpack the whole time.We later figured out that Pennington wasn't feeling well (he was running a slight fever) which made him not want to hike at all.

The kids also had a great time playing in the sand on the beach at the cabin. They also loved jumping off the dock and swimming back to the beach. We also spent some time fishing off the dock. We taught Pennington the Fishin' In the Dark song which he loved singing. Overall, we had a wondering time hanging out as a family at the cabin.

Below are some pictures of the kids hanging out at the cabin, on the beach or in the lake.

Below are some pictures of the family on the hike to Goose Creek Falls.

Below are some photos of the family on the hike to Blue Lake.


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