Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Week at Parkcenter Montessori

Montessori Home is closing at the end of September so we needed to find a new place for the kids. Pennington turned 3 in August which meant that his time at Montessori Home had come to an end. Piper could have stayed at Montessori Home for another year but it was sort of a blessing in disguise that it was closing so they could both move onto Parkcenter Montessori together. The kids started Preschool at Parkcenter Montessori last week. The week before I had taken both kids to visit their new school so they could meet Miss Rose (Piper's teacher) and Miss Emily (Pennington's teacher).

Miss Rose is like a 50/60 year old toddler whisperer. All the 2/3 year olds are soooo quiet and well behaved. It is crazy to be in a toddler class room and feel totally relaxed. When Piper and I went to visit Miss Rose I noticed that Piper is very independent. More so than her brother. She is very interested in doing her work, practicing going on the potty, and washing her hands. I think she washed her hands like 5 times when we visited. Piper's class is 2 and 3 year olds.

Miss Emily is about my age. She has two children that are close to my children's ages. She is upbeat and full of energy. A few of the children from Montessori Home are in Pennington's class, Vivienne and Lucy. I think it is nice for Pennington to see some familiar faces. As far as I know Pennington hasn't been taking naps at school. I have to say I am actually happy about that since the kids have been staying up way to late this summer. It will be nice to get back to a 8:30 bedtime. Pennington has started to talk about the older kids in his class. Pennington's class has 3-5 year olds. The thing I love about the Montessori theory is mixing ages. I really think it is a brilliant idea. When Pennington was the oldest he was able to teach the other children. Now he is the youngest and he is able to learn from the older children. I just love it and I am so happy to know that the Montessori teaching method is something that works well for my children.

Nonni texted me to see how dropping off the kids at school went. Lets just say my text back explains it all. "Good. No tears. Basically they ran to class." That about sums it up. The kids LOVE their new school. From what their teachers have said so far it sounds like they are doing really well. Miss Rose said that Piper acts as if she had been their for ever. She is totally comfortable with the Montessori program and is fitting in really well. Miss Emily said everything is going well for Pennington and he had a great first week.

Overall, I am really happy with our decision to have the kids go to Parkcenter Montessori. I am really happy with the teaching method and the fact that my children seem to be fitting in really well. I couldn't be happier right now when it comes to my children's education.

Below are a few pictures of Piper at school. Yes I am a bad parent and only have pictures of Piper. Pictures of Pennington will come soon.

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