Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January 2013

Just like that January flies by and I never posted anything to the blog. Here is what we did.

1. Family went skiing up at Bogus.
2. I was out of town for two days in Spokane and began working more (its my busy season for the next few months). I can definitely tell at first that the kids were affected by this (acting out etc.). Now that they are used to it they seem to be doing better.
3. Kids started going to school 4 days a week. We thought Piper was going to move up to the big kid classes in January but she is still having issues staying dry at naptime at school. She doesn't seem to have this problem at home but she does at school. I think by March she will be in a new class. Pennington continued to have a few accidents at school. Seems to be getting better now. I talked to Miss Emily about how Pennington is doing in school. I think he is having issues listening and focusing on tasks. Miss Emily said she has also noticed that but it isn't anything to worry about since he is still really young. Over the last week or so it is getting better. Miss Emily said having him there 4 days in a row will definitely help. Consistency with kids is key.
4. Pennington adores this little girl name Vivienne who is in his class. I would say it is his first crush. He has known her for more than a year now since she was at Montessori Home with him. Vivienne is a Amerasian as well (White Dad and Asian Mom). He is really excited to give her a Valentine.
5. Piper is obsessed with Disney Princesses. Her favorite is Tangled. For a good month now they only stories she wants to read are the Princess ones. I know Johnny is really enjoying that.
6. Kids had a dentist appointment. Teeth look good.
7. Kids are still going to K'tanim. Shabbat dinner is becoming a big thing at our house. The kids love helping make dinner and saying the blessings. I have had a few proud parent moments when the kids can say the blessings and answer questions about Shabbat to the Rabbi.
8. Johnny took the kids to a BSU basketball game.

I think that is it for now. I promise to start posting more soon. Pictures included. :)

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