Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pennington 3 1/2 Years Old

Pennington turned 3 1/2 years old about 2 weeks ago. Here is what Pennington has been up to.

1. Pennington continues to be totally obsessed with sports. He has an imaginary favorite sports player named Mitten Rocky. You might ask if he is really saying Mitt Romney. I have asked him several times and he continues to tell me, "No Mom his name is Mitten Rocky." Pennington enjoys watching sports on TV with Daddy including fishing shows. Lately we have taken him to a few BSU basketball games which he also enjoys.
2. About a month ago I had a meeting with Miss Emily about how Pennington is doing in class. He went through a phase where he was having several accidents every week at school. He also didn't seem to be very engaged at school. Come to find out I guess children go through a transition period approximately every 3 years. This is partly why Montessori has classrooms with 3 ages together. Right now Pennington is going through this transition period where some days he seems really grown up and other days he seems like a toddler. I guess there are days at school where he can put the entire United States puzzle together (note there are 50 pieces to this puzzle one for each state, can you imagine putting together all of those tiny east coast states?) and other days where he doesn't even know how to eat his own lunch. Of course by the time I talk to Miss Emily he is starting to have more days where he seems grown up. I'm really excited to watch Pennington grow up. He is turning into the sweetest little boy. I just adore him right now.
3. Pennington is doing a great job skiing. It is amazing to see this 3 1/2 year old ski pretty much all by himself on the bunny hill. He is also looking forward to starting soccer again in the next few weeks. He asks me everyday if he today is a soccer practice day.
4. Pennington knows all of his numbers (0-9) and almost all of his alphabet. I love how excited he gets when he can tell me the letters in a word he sees. Miss Emily asked me at the beginning of the school year what I hoped he would learn this year and I said his alphabet. I am happy to say that I think he will have learned it by the end of June.
5. Pennington really enjoys coloring and painting right now. Specifically he likes to have me draw the outlines of something and then he will color it in. He did this awesome rainbow picture the other day that he was so proud of.
6. Pennington has a crush on a little girl named Vivienne. He really likes her a lot. He also talks about Rowan and Henry a lot. Vivienne, Rowan and Henry are all in Pennington's class.
7. Pennington loves to dress up. His favorite things to dress up as are a Pirate, any kind of sports player (football, soccer, golf, you name it), a snow mobile guy, astronaut, etc.

All in all Pennington is so much fun to be around right now. I am really enjoying this age. I am realizing now that I wasn't definitely not fit for the newborn age but I am fit for this age. I feel like I have so much love for my children right now. I look forward everyday to talk to my children and hear about how they are doing and what they are learning about.

Below are a few recent photos of Pennington.

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