Sunday, February 24, 2013

Piper 2 1/2 Years Old

Piper turned 2 1/2 about a week ago. Here is a summary of what Piper is up to these days.

1. Piper loves Disney Princesses, specifically Cinderella and Rapunzel. She asks to reach here Disney Princess books every night.
2. Piper is totally potty trained  . . . . except for at night. Piper rarely has accidents. In fact, Johnny and I were talking about how we never have to worry about Piper having accidents because she always tells us if she needs to go. Piper doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being potty trained at night. Hopefully she will figure it out before she turns 3.
3. Piper enjoys putting puzzles together. I find that I can start her in on an art project and she will totally focus on that task for at least 10 minutes. You can tell she takes her "work" seriously.
4. Piper is starting to enjoy watching cartoons with Pennington. Johnny and I were talking about how Pennington loved Kipper when he was younger but Piper didn't really watch them with Pennington. We started to watch Kipper again and Piper LOVES it. Kipper is such a great show. She also likes to watch Diego with her brother.
5. Piper can totally dress herself from head to toe. She does not want your help. Oh and she LOVES anything pink or purple.
6. Piper loves going to school. She is hoping to move up to the big kid class soon. She has realized that some of the other kids in her class are now in the big kid classes so she wants to be a big kid as well.

Below is a picture of my sweet little Piper.

Side note: Yesterday at Costco Piper screamed for a solid 10 minutes while I was taking her and Pennington to the bathroom. Nothing that I said to her would stop her from SCREAMING. I had two ~50/60 year old women stop me and tell me I handled her very well. They both said they have had several children and that I was doing a really good job with my children. It definitely made me feel better. Piper . . .why were you screaming???? You made a lot of people think I was hurting you or something. Mommy loves you but please don't scream like that again. :)

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