Monday, September 9, 2013

Vacation 2013 - Day 6

Day 6 of our vacation was spent trying to figure out what to do with pouring down rain and 50 mile an hour winds.  We decided to head into Tillamook to see the Tillamook Cheese Factory. To our surprise one of Pennington's classmates Henrik just so happened to be at the Cheese Factory as well. Henrik and Pennington were really excited to see each other. We walked around the factory and then had ice cream with Henrik's family.

We then went to Cape Meares Lighthouse and the Octopus Tree. It was super winding when we were there and you couldn't see more than maybe a mile away but it was cool for the kids to see a lighthouse and really crazy looking tree.

We finished out our day back at the State Park where we rode our bikes and picked wild blackberries. The evening program was about the difference between Seals and Sea Lions.

Below are a few pictures of our 6th day.

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