Thursday, July 28, 2011


The last few weekends we have been attending Birthday Parties for Pennington and Piper's friends Aiden and Magnolia (aka Maggie).

Aiden and Pennington met last year at Aiden's first birthday. They have been hanging out about once a month ever since. Aiden also was in Pennington's Little Gym class. Aiden's mom (Kayla Sande Isaac) went to High School with Johnny and I.

In January Maggie moved up to Moscow, Idaho so we haven't seen much of her lately. She celebrated her 3rd Birthday here in Boise with Family and Friends.

Speaking of Birthday's Pennington and Piper are turning 1 and 2 in the next few weeks. We are having a celebration for them on August 14th. Anyone that would like to come is invited. Just let me know and I will send you the evite.

At Maggie's Birthday the kids got to dye silks in food coloring. Below is a picture of Pennington rising his silk. He has been wearing it around the house as a cape.

Below is a picture of Pennington giving Maggie a hug. How sweet.

Below is a picture of Piper with her friend Sage at Maggie's birthday. They are soooo cute.

Below is a picture of Aiden opening his presents. I just love this picture of Aiden. It is so fun to see how happy a child is to open up presents.

Below is a picture of Aiden and Pennington in the kiddie pool at Aiden's birthday.

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