Monday, July 11, 2011

Pennington 23 Months Old

A few very exciting things have happened over the last month.

1. Last Thursday at school Pennington went on the potty not just once but five times. Obviously I don't want to get my hopes up since he never wants to go potty at home but has consistently been going at school now for a few months.
2. He is getting pretty good at drinking from an normal cup all by himself.
3. I know I have mentioned this several times but he LOVE sports. Soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, you name it. I took him to watch the Far West Regional Soccer tournament games a few weeks ago and he really enjoyed it. He dribbles the soccer ball and yells "go go" now all from watching a few games.
4. He painted a watercolor painting for Daddy last week. I was really impressed because I think he is finally getting the hang of dipping the brush into the water then the paint and then putting it on the paper. Before I would find him spilling the water and putting the paint brush in his mouth. Yucky.

One other thing I would like to make note of is that he is starting to give us an idea of what the "Terrible Twos" will be like. He is starting to want to be very independent which is a good and bad thing.

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