Sunday, July 17, 2011

Piper Eleven Months Old

Piper will be Eleven Months Old tomorrow. Here are a few new things she has been up to this last month.

1. Piper likes to sit on the tricycle and push herself around with her legs. She does this at such a young age because she wants to keep up with her big brother.

2. She is starting to respond verbally to us by saying yes. Not all the time but she does say it everyone and a while. You can also ask her what a dog says and she will say "woof-woof". I am super impressed by this since Pennington just starting telling us what a dog says about 2 months ago.

3. She is constantly getting into the toilet, toilet paper, dog food, dog water, ect. Super annoying but I know it will be over soon.

4. She knows to stop doing something when we tell her "No Piper" or "Please don't do that Piper".

5. She is beginning to understand how to go down stairs.

6. She eats pretty much anything you put in front of her though she prefers fruits, vegetables and cheese.

7. She is starting to drink out of a sippy cup.

Below are a few recent photos of Piper


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