First, my company (Deloitte) does a trick or treat event at the office. On Friday Johnny and I took the kids to go trick or treating at my office. The kids got candy, snacks and a Halloween coloring book. Below is a picture of Mommy, Pennington and Piper at the Deloitte Halloween Party. Piper was Little Red Riding Hood, Pennington was a Garden Nome and Mommy was a Fairy.
Below is a picture of Pennington's entire outfit. I know he looks annoyed but honestly he really enjoyed dressing up. Oh if only I could get this child to smile for the camera.
Second, we took the kids to Boo at the Zoo. It is a really fun event but super crowded. One highlight of going to the zoo is that we got to see the Lions in action. One of the Lions was only a few feet away from Piper and I. The zookeeper gave the Lions a box with a pumpkin in it. It was really fun to watch the Lions get the pumpkin out of the box and then fight over it.
Third, Uncle Elliott, Leasley, and Poppy took the kids trick or treating on Monday evening around the neighborhood. While the only made it to 10 house I heard they had a lot of fun. One of the highlights for Pennington was getting to see the moon. That evening when I was putting him to bed all he could talk about was the moon.
Below is a picture of Piper's outfit. I could never get her to wear the cape. She would take it off within 5 seconds of me putting it on her. Since she didn't have the cape on she sort of looked like St. Pauli Girl on the beer bottle. Yes we did have some people ask us if that is what she was which was a bit comical. Piper loved her costume. Specifically her super cool black patent leather Mary Jane's that make really cool sounds when you walk around on the hardwood floors.

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