Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

For Thanksgiving this year Mommy, Pennington and Piper joined Nonie, Poppy, Uncle Henry, Uncle Elliott and Leasley at the cabin. Daddy wasn't able to join us because he had to work. It's hard to give up time and a half on holidays especially during these hard times. Mommy picked Pennington up early from school on Wednesday and drove up to the cabin with Piper and Poppy. As hoped for both kids slept most of the drive.

When we go to the cabin the Luangaphays get the "Bunk Room". The bunk room as two bunk beds in it which each have a full mattress on the bottom and twin on the top. While Pennington would love to sleep on the top we tell him he has to be five years old. Mommy tried to get the kids to sleep together on one of the bunks but in the end we all slept together on a full bed. Mommy decided she wasn't going to do that again so she forced Piper to sleep in the pack-and-play for at least half the night and Pennington to sleep on the other full bed. That worked much better the second night.

Pennington and Piper enjoyed exploring the cabin since they hadn't been there since May. There was a few inches of snow on the ground so we spend some time outside. Pennington tried to make snow balls but wasn't very successful as the snow wasn't just right and mittens are not easy for making snow balls.

As usual we ate plenty of delicious food and watched looks of football. Mommy asked Pennington what he was thankful for and he said "football". This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Below are some pictures of the kids at the cabin.

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