Monday, November 7, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea

Starting last Tuesday we were concerned that Piper might have the Chicken
Pox. For those of you that don't already know this there is now a vaccine that Children get so not everyone gets Chicken Pox little when we were little. Pennington has had the vaccine and Piper is due to have it in about 2 weeks. So I was thinking just my luck she would get it 2 weeks before she gets the vaccine. We
ll a few days went by and the rash didn't get any better or worse. Finally on Sunday morning I decided I had enough of her not sleeping (not that she ever really sleeps) and that the rash wasn't going away so I decided to take her into the doctor. I LOVE the fact that I can take her to see the doctor on the weekend. Dr. Roy at Treasure Valley Peds saw Piper. I mentioned to him that I thought she might have Pityriasis Rosea since I have had it twice and it looks a lot like it. Well sure enough that is what she has. Dr. Roy was very impressed that I knew what it was. Below is the totally official wikipedia definition of pitariasis rosea.

Pityriasis rosea
is a skin rash. It is non-dangerous but may inflict substantial discomfort on some people.Classically, it begins with a single "herald patch" lesion, followed in 1 or 2 weeks by a generalized body rash lasting about 6 weeks.

I had pityriasis rosea once my junior year of college and then again when I was pregnant with Pennington. Reading up on it again I found that it is rare to have it twice (weird that I have) and rare for toddlers to get it (of course this would only happen to me). They have no idea why people get it but they think it can be brought on my stress. They also don't believe it is contagious. I know that sunlight can help it and that the worst part is the first week or so. When Piper is driving me crazy I just dose her up on some Tylenol and benadryl but Dr. Roy told me to only do that when nothing else will calm her down. All in all Piper is doing fine. She is just not 100% sure herself. Boy do we have a long few weeks ahead of us if this rash doesn't go away soon. Below is a super sweet photo of my little rashy girl.

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