Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Like Father Like Son

Below is probably the only baby photo I have ever seen of Johnny. Some would say that Pennington and Johnny look a lot a like others would disagree. Regardless we know one thing for sure. They both LOVE football.


  1. We miss you too. I have to say I LOVE seeing River in the hand-me-downs. For some reason it makes me feel really good. I have been able to find someone to give me lots of good hand-me-downs for Piper but I haven't found anyone to give me really good hand-me-downs for Pennington. When are you guys coming to Boise next? I have two other friends that just had boys so I am running low on boy stuff. I think I only have 18 to 24 month stuff. The sooner you come the more likely I will have not given everything away.

  2. Zac's coming for sure end of December, the whole family might join him, we aren't sure yet. We'll make sure and let you know!
