Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

This Mother's Day was awesome on so many levels. We decided to celebrate Mother's Day on Saturday. Johnny had the day off which in and of itself was great. We started the morning off by going to the Race for the Cure. We had planned to run it with the jogging stroller but the registration form said no running with strollers. Honestly we probably could have run it with a stroller but to be on the safe side we decided to carry the kids on our backs. After the Race we headed home for a nap. All four of us napped for several hours which was fantastic. After nap time we headed to Warm Springs Golf Course to hit a bucket of balls. Both Pennington and Piper are getting noticeably better every time we go. After golfing we headed to Kyoto for dinner. We had never taken the kids to eat at the grill so we decided we would give it a try. They did awesome. I was so happy with how well behaved they were. They both ate really well and tried eating some new foods. They also both learned how to eat with the chopstick trainers. Earlier in the day I opened up my Mother's Day gift from Johnny and the kids. They got me two work dresses and a new pair of TOMS. I love, love , love all of it. After dinner we head home for some playtime outside. Some friends came over to hang out with us, have a few beers and make smores. The kids loved roasting the marshmallows and eating the chocolate and gram crackers. To top off the day Piper slept through the night for the VERY FIRST TIME. It was AMAZING!!!!! I woke up around 6:30am and realized that she never woke up during the middle of the night. What an amazing Mother's Day gift. 21 months later my daughter finally slept through the entire night without waking up. Hallelujah. Below are some photos taken on this wonderful Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. So where are the frequent updates? This is your most devoted fan and it's been almost a month since mother's day! Michal
