Sunday, May 6, 2012

Swim Lessons

Piper and Pennington started swim lessons last week. They are in a parent/child class for 6 -36 months old children. There is a wide range of ages in our class. I think Pennington might actually be the oldest. The kids have been learning a lot and definitely look forward to going on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. There are eight classes in total of which I will be attending all of them, Johnny will be able to attend 4 and Nonni will attend the other 4. Last week the kids worked on jumping into the pool on command. They also held onto the edge of the pool by themselves, walked along the edge of the pool like little monkeys and pulled themselves out of the pool. Both of them can do this without any assistance. They also worked on kicking, reaching for floating objects and blowing bubbles. One really cool thing that I liked is that they put a table in the pool so the kids can stand in the middle of the pool and practice reaching down to grab rings off the table. The table is deep enough that the kids have to get their faces wet to reach for the rings and even hold their breath for a few seconds. Overall I am really happy with the class so far. I'm interested to see what class they will be in next since it sounds like you have to be 3 years told to be in a class without a parent. That will be interesting to deal with next year when Pennington is 3 and Piper is 2. For now I think we will plan on having them take swim lessons every May so they can get some practice in right before we open the pool at our house. After swim lessons we let the kids play around in the Kiddie Pool for a while. Below are a few pictures from swim lessons.

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