Friday, May 11, 2012


I mentioned in an early post that Pennington's imagination is runny wild. Today he insisted on being a Princess/Ballerina. He wanted to wear one of Piper's dresses with his green snow boats. I let him put it on at home but then he insisted on wearing it to Tot Shabbat. I told Pennington that he had to wear something else to Tot Shabbat but he just cried his eyes out. He really wanted to be a Princess. So in the end I gave in and let him wear the yellow Princess dress with his green snow boats. At first I was super embarrassed about it but then other parents at Tot Shabbat told me that their sons have done the same thing. Below is a picture of Pennington the Princess. I also have a picture of our Princess Piper working on the art project after Shabbat Dinner.

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