Friday, May 11, 2012

Pennington - 33 Months

Pennington has changed a lot over the last few months and I thought I should share some updates.

1. Bye Bye Pacifier. Johnny and I kept telling him that we were not going to buy any more and if we lost them that they would be gone for good. Well that day happened last week. Both Pennington and I couldn't find his pacifier so he went to sleep without it. 48 hours later Nonni did find it but I told her to throw it away. It has now been a week and he isn't even asking of it anymore. I was totally shocked how easy it really was to get rid of the pacifier. I honestly think we as parents assume something is going to be harder than it really is.

2. Imaginative Play. We have some serious imaginative play going on now. Over the past week he has pretended to be magician and a bear hunter. Not really sure where he came up with the bear hunter idea but we were on a bear hunt to find a black bear. He has also decided that he is Kipper, I have Pig, Piper is Arnold, and Nonni is Tiger from Kipper the television show. This has been going on for days now. It is so awesome to watch the imaginative play in action.

3. Full Conversations. I think we are at the point now where we can have a full conversation with Pennington meaning we can discuss things back and forth several times and he doesn't repeat the same thing over and over again. I will say most of our conversations center around sports but it is still really awesome to be able to discuss anything with him.

4. Pee and Poop. Pennington is still not potty trained but I have realized that he loves to pee and poop pretty much anywhere but at home. For some reason other potties are way cooler than the ones at home.

5. Sleeping. I mentioned this in a early posting but Pennington has not slept on his bed in two weeks. He insists on sleeping on the floor next to his bed. He calls it his little bed. I sort of thought that it would only last a few days but now it looks like it might last a while. Nonni had a good idea to tell him that sleeping in his bed was like sleeping in a tree house. For now that seems to be working as he thinks it is cool now to sleep in his tree house (aka his bed).

I think that is all for now. Recent photos of Pennington will be posted shorty.

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