Friday, May 20, 2011

5 Years

This month five years old we found out that Johnny had stage four nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It is amazing how far we have come over the five years. Johnny will tell you that one of the hardest parts about going through his treatments wasn't the fact that he was sick and couldn't eat anything but the fact that he might not be able to be a father.

I never once remember thinking that Johnny wasn't going to be able to beat it. However, I do remember thinking that we might not be able to have children. Several people told us that they knew Johnny was going to be able to beat it because they had dreams of us with a little girl. So I have to say that we were some what surprised to find out that Pennington was a boy since everyone told us that it would be a girl. Well you all know how the story ends. Our little surprise came a year later and it was the little girl they had dreamed about.

Thank you Johnny for beating your cancer because you are the best father my children could have ever asked for. Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Jes! It is amazing how strong you have been as a family during the hardships over the years. I also never had a doubt about Johnny beating cancer and what a joyful surprise that you created two perfect little ones to round out your family. I hope you raised a toast tonight to celebrate how far you've all come!
