Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day 2011

For Mothers Day we had a Mothers Day Brunch for Nonnie's side of the family at our house. Johnny made three different types of quiche. All of which tasted amazing.

The kids got me a few things for Mothers Day which included a new bathing suit, shorts, and tickets to go see Jimmy Eat World with Johnny. Thanks kids for the great gifts. I love you guys. Pennington also picked out a singing card for me. The card sings the song "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)". I really enjoyed getting to watch Pennington dance to the song in the card. Piper enjoyed playing with the singing card as well. Below is a picture of Pennington dancing with the card.

This evening Poppy's side of the family came over for a Mothers Day BBQ. It was great to see Uncle Kerry, Aunt Shelly, and Grandma Melba.

Today I really sat back and reflected on the meaning behind Mothers Day. I don't think you can truly understand how much your Mother has really done for you until you are a Mother. As a child you totally take for granted everything your Mother does for you. There is no way I would have been able to survive the last year and a half of my life if it wasn't for my Mother. If I hadn't had her around I would probably have turned into a crazy woman and Johnny would have probably left me. Thank you so much Mom for helping me get through what I think has been the hardest two years of my life.

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