Piper turned 9 months old a few days ago. The first thing that comes to mind is "I made it." Someone once told me you go through 9 months of hell being pregnant and then if you have an epidural live is wonderful for a few hours and then you go through another 9 months of hell. I have to say there is definitely some truth to that statement. However, for me the 9 months after the baby is born is about 1,000 times harder than being pregnant. I remember when Pennington turned 9 months old thinking wow this is really starting to be fun. Well Piper is finally 9 months old and I have to agree that everything is starting to get easier and so much more fun.
Piper is turning into a very happy little girl. She is pulling herself up and walking around holding onto things. She can drink from a straw. She eats pretty much everything we give her. Both of her bottom two teeth are in. She is starting to learn how to climb up the stairs. My little Piper is growing up so fast.
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