Friday, May 20, 2011

Sicko Kiddos

Over the last week or so we have been dealing with two sick kiddos. Piper got it first and it came in the form of a 103 degree fever. Pennington got it a few days later and it totally swiped him out. He would get absolutely winded walking up the stairs and the only thing that would calm him down and get him to eat and drink was to watch "Kipper". It took almost a week for Pennington to recover which meant he missed two days of school (last Friday and this Tuesday). Today was his first day back to school. Since he has been home for the last week he started to get really clingy so it was a good thing today that he was feeling well enough to go to school. I think he is finally back to his normal self.

Side note: Typically when you miss school you are out the money. However, the school Pennington is going to is kind enough to allow us to do make up days. This is a major perk.

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