Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh Roseloa - Round Number 2

Piper got her first fever last week that seem to last forever. It would go up and down from 98 up to 103. I ended up taking her to the doctor on Friday since it had been over 36 hours since the fever started and I couldn't get it under control. Of course when we were at the doctors appointment she didn't have a fever. Well it turns out that after three painful days of fevers it finally went away and the rash appeared. Oh Roseloa! Roseola starts out with a fever for a few days and then after the fever is gone a rosy-pink rash shows up for a few days. Typically the fever is around 102 to 104 degrees and the rash is on the chest, stomach, back, neck and face. Roseola is contagious only while the child has a fever. We aren't really sure how she got Roseola since it can take 7 to 10 days days to show up. I am happy to say that the rash is finally gone and Piper is back to her active self again. One good thing about Roseloa is that you only get it once so Pennington didn't get it again since he had when he was around Piper's age.

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