Saturday, November 19, 2011


Thursday was the the day. The day I decide I had enough. The day another mom told me it is okay to go cold turkey on your child to get them to sleep. So that is exactly what I decided to do. From now on when I say it is time to sleep, Piper will sleep. No more letting her sleep with me. No more being a human pacifier. NO MORE!

I have decided that once I have read her several bedtime stories and feed her for a final time, I will just kiss her goodnight, lay her down and close the door. The first night I think she cried for 30 minutes or so, last night about 5 minutes and tonight maybe 1 minute. Last night was the first night I decided when she woke up in the middle of the night I would feed her and then lay her back down. I have to be honest that I don't really know how long she cried when I laid her back down around 1:00 but it is possible it was for an hour and a half. I decided I wasn't going to go back into her room until I had slept for several hours. She woke again around 5:30 so I went to feed her and then lay her back down. I think this time she only cried for about 5 minutes. She then slept until about 8:45. It was awesome.

Today for nap time she cried for about 5 minutes and then about 30 minutes later woke up because she heard me going up and down the stairs. I decided not to go in and get her since she had only been asleep for 30 minutes. She cried for about 5 minutes and then feel back asleep for another hour and a half. Again, this was awesome especially since Pennington was napping.

Wish me luck again tonight, tomorrow night, ect. I think 15 months of no real sleep is long enough. I think it is about time I free myself from the disaster I have created. While some might say this is cruel I have to disagree. I have catered to Piper's every need from day one and I am one very tired mama. Below is a picture of my sleeping child. I took the picture this morning when I realized it was 8:00 am and she wasn't awake yet. I believe this is the second time ever that she woke up after 7:00 am in her crib.

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