Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day of School

Piper had her first day of school today. Pennington was very excited to show Piper what to do. He even told Johnny and I all about how Piper cried at nap time. Denise said Piper did really well. She got sort of cranky around noon but didn't want to lay down for a nap yet. She did take a nap after Pennington laid down next to her. I guess someone knocked on the door of the school around 2 which woke everyone up so Piper only napped for about an hour. Denise mentioned that she didn't have very wet diapers. This is pretty normal for Piper. She doesn't pee all that much. We haven't been very concerned about it since she is continuing to grow, eats like a pig, and does have a few wet diapers a day. Overall it was a very successful first day. She didn't even cry when we left her. Below is a recent picture of Little Miss Piper. It was taken a few days ago. She definitely doesn't look like an infant anymore.

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